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Last active January 15, 2020 23:52
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smith waterman and needleman wunsch in clojure. sample code to solve a simple alignment. returns a map of all top scoring alignments.
(ns smith-waterman)
(defn- array-keys
"positions of the array to work on"
[s1 s2]
(for [i (range (count s1)) ;initialize scoring array. similar to a sparse matrix
j (range (count s2))]
[i j]))
(defn- init-array
"initial conditions of the array to fill in for the gapped row/col"
[s1 s2 locations gap global]
(reduce (fn [m [i j]]
(assoc m [i j]
(= i j 0) [0 [0 0] "-" "-"]
(= i 0) [(if global (* gap j) 0) [0 (dec j)] "-" (.charAt s2 j)]
(= j 0) [(if global (* gap i) 0) [(dec i) 0] (.charAt s1 i) "-"])))
{} (filter #(or (zero? (first %))
(zero? (second %))) locations)))
(defn- fill-array
[locations s1 s2 match mis gap global]
(reduce (fn [m [i j]];;score array format
(let [maxa (fn [coll]
(->> (filter #(= (apply max (map second coll))
(second %)) coll)
(sort-by first)
d (first (get m [(dec i) (dec j)])) ;;score match/mismatch (diagonal)
u (first (get m [(dec i) j])) ;;score deletion (above)
l (first (get m [i (dec j)])) ;;score insertion (left)
aa1 (.charAt s1 i) ;;current char in s1
aa2 (.charAt s2 j) ;;current char in s2
[from score] ;;chooses from d, u, l and scores associated with it.
(maxa [(if (= aa1 aa2 )
[:d (+ d match)]
[:d (+ d mis)])
[:u (+ u gap)]
[:l (+ l gap)]])]
(assoc m [i j] ;;insertion of the best score into the matrix
(case from
:d [score [(dec i) (dec j)] aa1 aa2]
:u [score [(dec i) j] aa1 "-"]
:l [score [i (dec j)] "-" aa2]))))
(init-array s1 s2 locations gap global)
(remove #(or (zero? (first %))
(zero? (second %))) locations)))
(defn- trace-back
[score start-loc H]
(loop [loc start-loc
aln_s1 ""
aln_s2 ""]
(let [[_ [i j] a1 a2] (get H loc)] ;;stores the next location [score[i j] to go to in H]
(if (not= [0 0] [i j])
(recur [i j]
(str a1 aln_s1) ;;builds strings up from the right to left
(str a2 aln_s2))
(if (= "-" a1 a2)
[score aln_s1 aln_s2]
[score (str a1 aln_s1) (str a2 aln_s2)])))))
(defn sw [seq1 seq2 & {:keys [global
:or {global false
match-weight 2
mismatch-weight -1
gap-weight -1}} ]
(let [s1 (str "-" seq1)
s2 (str "-" seq2)
match match-weight ;match
mis mismatch-weight ;mismatch
gap gap-weight ;gap
H (fill-array (array-keys s1 s2) s1 s2 match mis gap global) ;creates score matrix
start (if global
(get H (mapv dec [(count s1) (count s2)]))
(-> (sort-by #(-> % second first) H) ;finds highest value in matrix
start-locs (map first (filter #(= start (val %)) H))] ;;starts traceback from this highest value
(map #(trace-back (first start) % H) start-locs)))
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