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Created June 16, 2014 19:28
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(ns mysql-test
(:require [ :as jdbc])
(:use []))
(def mysql-ds
{:classname "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//"
:user user
:password password})
(defn sql-query [stmt & {:keys [f p] :or {f identity p false}}]
(let [q (partial jdbc/query mysql-ds)]
(when p (println stmt))
(cond (string? stmt) (q [stmt])
(vector? stmt) (q stmt)
:else "Invalid query")))
(def genome-counts
"select count(*) from
(select distinct tx.taxon_id
from bioentry as be,
taxon as tx,
ancestor as an
where be.taxon_id=tx.taxon_id
and tx.ncbi_taxon_id=an.ncbi_taxon_id
and regexp \"^NC\"
and be.description not regexp \"plasmid\"
and an.ancestors regexp \"/taxon/\") as foo")
(def query-operon
"SELECT be.bioentry_id,, tx.taxon_id, tx.ncbi_taxon_id, opl.*
FROM taxon as tx, bioentry as be, ancestor as an, operon as op, operon_loc as opl
WHERE tx.taxon_id=be.taxon_id
AND tx.ncbi_taxon_id=an.ncbi_taxon_id
and an.ancestors REGEXP 'Gamma*'
and op.bioentry_id=be.bioentry_id
and be.description not REGEXP \"plasmid\"
and op.operon_id=opl.operon_id
LIMIT 3;")
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