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Created June 5, 2014 15:43
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Some examples using Sqlingvo and korma with to create a table and execute queries
(require '[ :as jdbc]
'[korma.db :as kdb]
'[korma.core :as kcore]
'[sqlingvo.core :as sql]
'[sqlingvo.vendor :as v]))
;;;examples here are directly from the sqlingvo, jdbc, korma websites
;;;in order to provide a concrete example of using a SQL DSL with jdbc
;;;to execute mysql commands
(def mysql-db {:subprotocol "mysql"
:subname "//"
:user "user"
:password "pass"})
;;;mySQL table creation
(def tbl
(sql/sql (v/->mysql)
(sql/create-table :films
(sql/column :title :varchar :length 40 :not-null? true)
(sql/column :kind :varchar :length 10))))
;["CREATE TABLE `films` (`title` VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, `kind` VARCHAR(10))"]
;;;insert 2 rows into the newly created films table
(def add
(sql/sql (v/->mysql)
(sql/insert :films []
(sql/values [{:title "Yojimbo" :kind "Drama"}
{:title "The Dinner Game" :kind "Comedy"}]))))
;["INSERT INTO `films` (`kind`, `title`) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?)" "Drama" "Yojimbo" "Comedy" "The Dinner Game"]
;;;query the fils table for all entries
(def query (sql/sql (v/->mysql) (sql/select [*] (sql/from :films))))
;;;create table
(jdbc/with-db-connection [db-con mysql-db]
(jdbc/execute! db-con tbl))
;;;insert rows
(jdbc/with-db-connection [db-con mysql-db]
(jdbc/execute! db-con add))
;;;query table
(jdbc/with-db-connection [db-con mysql-db]
(jdbc/query db-con query)) ;must use jdbc/query for queries
;({:kind "Drama", :title "Yojimbo"} {:kind "Comedy", :title "The Dinner Game"})
;;;Alternatively, once the table is created, mysql queries can also be executed using korma
;;;korma provides an elegant functional way to execute some mysql commands by wrapping the
;;;jdbc functions
(kdb/defdb db
(kdb/mysql {:db "clojure_test"
:user "user"
:password "pass"}))
(kcore/defentity users);table films
(kcore/select films)
;[{:kind "Drama", :title "Yojimbo"} {:kind "Comedy", :title "The Dinner Game"}]
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