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Last active April 11, 2017 19:14
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Kyle's solutions to Winston's thing
def find_duplicates(arr)
arr \
.map { |el, appearances| el if appearances.size > 1 }
# Walkthrough:
# 1. [1,2,2,3,3,3].group_by(&:itself)
# => { 1 => [1], 2 => [2,2], 3 => [3,3,3] }
# 2. map the key if there are multiple appearances, nil if only one appearance
# 3. compact removes any nils that were mapped in step 2
# Interesting bits:
# 1. I didn't know :itself was a method now.
# 2. Requires two passes (map and compact)
# which could be sub-optimal on large data sets
# (although compact seems pretty performant).
# To avoid the two-pass issue from above, we need something that only adds
# to the array if the value isn't nil.
# compact_map seems like a good name, and it turns out there's a proposal for it:
# I would only monkey patch this if:
# 1. I was using it in many places.
# 2. Performance isn't worse than map.compact,
# since this is in Ruby and that's probably in C.
# If not #1 and #2, I'd probably just leave it as-is.
module Enumerable
# Much like map, we need to allow transformations here:
# { 1 => 2, 3 => nil, 4 => 5 }.compact_map { |k,v| k * 9 if v }
# => [9, 36]
# It should also return the original enumerable if called without a block:
# { 1 => 2, 3 => nil, 4 => 5 }.compact_map
# (Currently mine returns the equivalent of
# instead of an enumerable. Should probably fix that before production.)
def compact_map
inject([]) do |memo, val|
transformed = block_given? ? yield(val) : val
memo << transformed if transformed
def find_duplicates(arr)
arr \
.compact_map { |el, appearances| el if appearances.size > 1 }
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