liblinear-ruby: Ruby interface to LIBLINEAR using SWIG
classifier-reborn: Bayesian and LSI classification
dependencies: GSL -
categorize: Categorize is a text categorization library written in Ruby. It prioritizes performance over accuracy and is built to run online in dynamic web services
decisiontree: ID3-based implementation of the ML Decision Tree algorithm
dependencies: Graphviz -
similarity: Calculate similarity between documents using TF-IDF weights
dependencies: GSL -
rb-libsvm: Ruby language bindings for LIBSVM
dependencies: None (LIBSVM is bundled with the project) -
ruby-fann: Ruby library for interfacing with FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network)
dependencies: None (FANN is bundled with the project) -
tlearn-rb: Recurrent Neural Network library for Ruby
kmeans-clusterer: k-means clustering in Ruby
k_means: Attempting to build a fast, memory efficient K-Means program
knn: Simple K Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
distance_measures: A bunch of distance measures that extend Array
fast-stemmer: Fast Porter stemmer based on a C version of the algorithm
statsample: A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby
dependencies: GSL -
statistics2: Provides normal, Chi-square, t- and F- probability distributions for Ruby
dependencies: Graphviz -
dependencies: Gnuplot -
rb-gsl: Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library
dependencies: GSL -
ruby-opencv: OpenCV wrapper for Ruby
dependencies: OpenCV -
ai4r: Artificial Intelligence for Ruby - A Ruby playground for AI researchers
algorithms: Ruby algorithms and data structures. C extensions
phashion: Ruby wrapper around pHash, the perceptual hash library for detecting duplicate multimedia files
dependencies: ImageMagick, libjpeg -
narray: Ruby/NArray : N-dimensional Numerical Array for Ruby
kdtree a blazingly fast, native, 2d kdtree
rinruby: integrates the R interpreter in Ruby, making R's statistical routines and graphics available within Ruby
dependencies: R -
octave-ruby A Ruby interface to the Octave interpreted language
dependencies: Octave -
flann: Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors dependencies: flann
GSL (GNU Scientific Library)
brew install gsl
brew tap homebrew/science && brew install opencv
brew install graphviz
brew install gnuplot --with-x11
ImageMagick && libjpeg
brew install imagemagick && brew install libjpeg
brew tap homebrew/science && brew install r
brew tap homebrew/science && brew install octave --without-docs