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Created March 22, 2018 17:45
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var cloudinary = require('cloudinary').v2;
cloud_name: "<CLOUD NAME>",
api_key: "<API KEY>",
api_secret: "<API SECRET>"
var result = [];
var options = { type: "upload", max_results: 500, prefix: "<Name of the Folder>/" }; //Add you folder name + `/`
var sizefolder = 0
function listResources(next_cursor) {
if (next_cursor != null && next_cursor != 1)
options["next_cursor"] = next_cursor;
if (typeof next_cursor !== 'undefined' && next_cursor){
cloudinary.api.resources(options, function(error,response){
resources = response.resources;
result = result.concat(resources);
for(var res in resources)
myres = resources[res];
var mysize = myres.bytes;
var mypublicId = myres.public_id;
sizefolder += mysize;
var more = response.next_cursor;
if (more)
console.log("DONE" + sizefolder);
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