Save shivaas/4758439 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1,2012-01-02,New Year Day | |
2,2012-01-16,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
3,2012-02-20,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
4,2012-05-28,Memorial Day | |
5,2012-07-04,Independence Day | |
6,2012-09-03,Labor Day | |
7,2012-10-08,Columbus Day | |
8,2012-11-12,Veterans Day | |
9,2012-11-22,Thanksgiving Day | |
10,2012-12-25,Christmas Day | |
11,2013-01-01,New Year Day | |
12,2013-01-21,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
13,2013-02-18,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
14,2013-05-27,Memorial Day | |
15,2013-07-04,Independence Day | |
16,2013-09-02,Labor Day | |
17,2013-10-14,Columbus Day | |
18,2013-11-11,Veterans Day | |
19,2013-11-28,Thanksgiving Day | |
20,2013-12-25,Christmas Day | |
21,2014-01-01,New Year Day | |
22,2014-01-20,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
23,2014-02-17,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
24,2014-05-26,Memorial Day | |
25,2014-07-04,Independence Day | |
26,2014-09-01,Labor Day | |
27,2014-10-13,Columbus Day | |
28,2014-11-11,Veterans Day | |
29,2014-11-27,Thanksgiving Day | |
30,2014-12-25,Christmas Day | |
31,2015-01-01,New Year Day | |
32,2015-01-19,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
33,2015-02-16,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
34,2015-05-25,Memorial Day | |
35,2015-07-03,Independence Day | |
36,2015-09-07,Labor Day | |
37,2015-10-12,Columbus Day | |
38,2015-11-11,Veterans Day | |
39,2015-11-26,Thanksgiving Day | |
40,2015-12-25,Christmas Day | |
41,2016-01-01,New Year Day | |
42,2016-01-18,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
43,2016-02-15,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
44,2016-05-30,Memorial Day | |
45,2016-07-04,Independence Day | |
46,2016-09-05,Labor Day | |
47,2016-10-10,Columbus Day | |
48,2016-11-11,Veterans Day | |
49,2016-11-24,Thanksgiving Day | |
50,2016-12-25,Christmas Day | |
51,2017-01-02,New Year Day | |
52,2017-01-16,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
53,2017-02-20,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
54,2017-05-29,Memorial Day | |
55,2017-07-04,Independence Day | |
56,2017-09-04,Labor Day | |
57,2017-10-09,Columbus Day | |
58,2017-11-10,Veterans Day | |
59,2017-11-23,Thanksgiving Day | |
60,2017-12-25,Christmas Day | |
61,2018-01-01,New Year Day | |
62,2018-01-15,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
63,2018-02-19,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
64,2018-05-28,Memorial Day | |
65,2018-07-04,Independence Day | |
66,2018-09-03,Labor Day | |
67,2018-10-08,Columbus Day | |
68,2018-11-12,Veterans Day | |
69,2018-11-22,Thanksgiving Day | |
70,2018-12-25,Christmas Day | |
71,2019-01-01,New Year Day | |
72,2019-01-21,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
73,2019-02-18,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
74,2019-05-27,Memorial Day | |
75,2019-07-04,Independence Day | |
76,2019-09-02,Labor Day | |
77,2019-10-14,Columbus Day | |
78,2019-11-11,Veterans Day | |
79,2019-11-28,Thanksgiving Day | |
80,2019-12-25,Christmas Day | |
81,2020-01-01,New Year Day | |
82,2020-01-20,Martin Luther King Jr. Day | |
83,2020-02-17,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday) | |
84,2020-05-25,Memorial Day | |
85,2020-07-03,Independence Day | |
86,2020-09-07,Labor Day | |
87,2020-10-12,Columbus Day | |
88,2020-11-11,Veterans Day | |
89,2020-11-26,Thanksgiving Day | |
90,2020-12-25,Christmas Day |
Hi, I'd just like to warn anyone using this list that it's inaccurate. For instance, the Federal Holiday of Christmas is NOT always observed on Dec 25th. If Christmas day falls on a Saturday, the holiday is observed on Friday the 24th. If Christmas day falls on a Sunday, the holiday is observed on the 26th. Look at 2016, when Christmas day is a Sunday, but the list specifies the observed holiday on the 25th, when it should be the 26th.
New Years Day appears to be accurate, but I haven't looked at it extensively. But don't rely on this list for bank holidays since it's just wrong.
Thanks so much for making this, it just made my job a whole lot easier.
This is helpful!
"50,2016-12-25,Christmas Day" should be "50,2016-12-26,Christmas Day" as 2016-12-25 was a Sunday.
I ran the rest of the dates and made sure that none of the others were on a Saturday or a Sunday.
2021 data is available (see https://www.federalreserve.gov/aboutthefed/k8.htm):
Here it is formatted to append to your csv:
91,2021-01-01,New Year Day
92,2021-01-18,Martin Luther King Jr. Day
93,2021-02-15,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday)
94,2021-05-31,Memorial Day
95,2021-07-05,Independence Day
96,2021-09-06,Labor Day
97,2021-10-11,Columbus Day
98,2021-11-11,Veterans Day
99,2021-11-25,Thanksgiving Day
100,2021-12-24,Christmas Day
if anyone search a solution for more countries you can found it here Nager.Date
line 85 should be: 85,2020-07-04,Independence Day
not 85,2020-07-03,Independence Day
as is listed in other years in this data. Independence Day is July 4th.
Is there like a list of major events ? For e.g. sporting events? Political events? Music/Art ? etc...
Does anyone have this from 2020 to 2030?
Even earlier - but taken from a different source:
01/01/1997,New Year’s Day
01/20/1997,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/17/1997,Washington’s Birthday
05/26/1997,Memorial Day
07/04/1997,Independence Day
09/01/1997,Labor Day
10/13/1997,Columbus Day
11/11/1997,Veterans Day
11/27/1997,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/1997,Christmas Day
01/01/1998,New Year’s Day
01/19/1998,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/16/1998,Washington’s Birthday
05/25/1998,Memorial Day
07/03/1998,Independence Day
09/07/1998,Labor Day
10/12/1998,Columbus Day
11/11/1998,Veterans Day
11/26/1998,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/1998,Christmas Day
01/01/1999,New Year’s Day
01/18/1999,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/15/1999,Washington’s Birthday
05/31/1999,Memorial Day
07/05/1999,Independence Day
09/06/1999,Labor Day
10/11/1999,Columbus Day
11/11/1999,Veterans Day
11/25/1999,Thanksgiving Day
12/24/1999,Christmas Day
12/31/1999,New Year’s Day
01/17/2000,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/21/2000,Washington’s Birthday
05/29/2000,Memorial Day
07/04/2000,Independence Day
09/04/2000,Labor Day
10/09/2000,Columbus Day
11/10/2000,Veterans Day
11/23/2000,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2000,Christmas Day
01/01/2001,New Year’s Day
01/15/2001,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/19/2001,Washington’s Birthday
05/28/2001,Memorial Day
07/04/2001,Independence Day
09/03/2001,Labor Day
10/08/2001,Columbus Day
11/12/2001,Veterans Day
11/22/2001,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2001,Christmas Day
01/01/2002,New Year’s Day
01/21/2002,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/18/2002,Washington’s Birthday
05/27/2002,Memorial Day
07/04/2002,Independence Day
09/02/2002,Labor Day
10/14/2002,Columbus Day
11/11/2002,Veterans Day
11/28/2002,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2002,Christmas Day
01/01/2003,New Year’s Day
01/20/2003,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/17/2003,Washington’s Birthday
05/26/2003,Memorial Day
07/04/2003,Independence Day
09/01/2003,Labor Day
10/13/2003,Columbus Day
11/11/2003,Veterans Day
11/27/2003,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2003,Christmas Day
01/01/2004,New Year's Day
01/19/2004,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/16/2004,Washington's Birthday
05/31/2004,Memorial Day
07/05/2004,Independence Day
09/06/2004,Labor Day
10/11/2004,Columbus Day
11/11/2004,Veterans Day
11/25/2004,Thanksgiving Day
12/24/2004,Christmas Day
12/31/2004,New Year’s Day
01/17/2005,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/21/2005,Washington’s Birthday
05/30/2005,Memorial Day
07/04/2005,Independence Day
09/05/2005,Labor Day
10/10/2005,Columbus Day
11/11/2005,Veterans Day
11/24/2005,Thanksgiving Day
12/26/2005,Christmas Day
01/02/2006,New Year’s Day
01/16/2006,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/20/2006,Washington’s Birthday
05/29/2006,Memorial Day
07/04/2006,Independence Day
09/04/2006,Labor Day
10/09/2006,Columbus Day
11/10/2006,Veterans Day
11/23/2006,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2006,Christmas Day
01/01/2007,New Year’s Day
01/15/2007,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/19/2007,Washington’s Birthday
05/28/2007,Memorial Day
07/04/2007,Independence Day
09/03/2007,Labor Day
10/08/2007,Columbus Day
11/12/2007,Veterans Day
11/22/2007,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2007,Christmas Day
01/01/2008,New Year’s Day
01/21/2008,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/18/2008,Washington’s Birthday
05/26/2008,Memorial Day
07/04/2008,Independence Day
09/01/2008,Labor Day
10/13/2008,Columbus Day
11/11/2008,Veterans Day
11/27/2008,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2008,Christmas Day
01/01/2009,New Year’s Day
01/19/2009,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/16/2009,Washington’s Birthday
05/25/2009,Memorial Day
07/03/2009,Independence Day
09/07/2009,Labor Day
10/12/2009,Columbus Day
11/11/2009,Veterans Day
11/26/2009,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2009,Christmas Day
01/01/2010,New Year’s Day
01/18/2010,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/15/2010,Washington’s Birthday
05/31/2010,Memorial Day
07/05/2010,Independence Day
09/06/2010,Labor Day
10/11/2010,Columbus Day
11/11/2010,Veterans Day
11/25/2010,Thanksgiving Day
12/24/2010,Christmas Day
12/31/2010,New Year’s Day
01/17/2011,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/21/2011,Washington’s Birthday
05/30/2011,Memorial Day
07/04/2011,Independence Day
09/05/2011,Labor Day
10/10/2011,Columbus Day
11/11/2011,Veterans Day
11/24/2011,Thanksgiving Day
12/26/2011,Christmas Day
01/02/2012,New Year's Day
01/16/2012,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/20/2012,Washington's Birthday
05/28/2012,Memorial Day
07/04/2012,Independence Day
09/03/2012,Labor Day
10/08/2012,Columbus Day
11/12/2012,Veterans Day
11/22/2012,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2012,Christmas Day
01/01/2013,New Year’s Day
01/21/2013,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/18/2013,Washington’s Birthday
05/27/2013,Memorial Day
07/04/2013,Independence Day
09/02/2013,Labor Day
10/14/2013,Columbus Day
11/11/2013,Veterans Day
11/28/2013,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2013,Christmas Day
01/01/2014,New Year’s Day
01/20/2014,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/17/2014,Washington’s Birthday
05/26/2014,Memorial Day
07/04/2014,Independence Day
09/01/2014,Labor Day
10/13/2014,Columbus Day
11/11/2014,Veterans Day
11/27/2014,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2014,Christmas Day
01/01/2015,New Year’s Day
01/19/2015,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/16/2015,Washington’s Birthday
05/25/2015,Memorial Day
07/03/2015,Independence Day
09/07/2015,Labor Day
10/12/2015,Columbus Day
11/11/2015,Veterans Day
11/26/2015,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2015,Christmas Day
01/01/2016,New Year’s Day
01/18/2016,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/15/2016,Washington’s Birthday
05/30/2016,Memorial Day
07/04/2016,Independence Day
09/05/2016,Labor Day
10/10/2016,Columbus Day
11/11/2016,Veterans Day
11/24/2016,Thanksgiving Day
12/26/2016,Christmas Day
01/02/2017,New Year’s Day
01/16/2017,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/20/2017,Washington’s Birthday
05/29/2017,Memorial Day
07/04/2017,Independence Day
09/04/2017,Labor Day
10/09/2017,Columbus Day
11/10/2017,Veterans Day
11/23/2017,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2017,Christmas Day
01/01/2018,New Year’s Day
01/15/2018,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/19/2018,Washington’s Birthday
05/28/2018,Memorial Day
07/04/2018,Independence Day
09/03/2018,Labor Day
10/08/2018,Columbus Day
11/12/2018,Veterans Day
11/22/2018,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2018,Christmas Day
01/01/2019,New Year’s Day
01/21/2019,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/18/2019,Washington’s Birthday
05/27/2019,Memorial Day
07/04/2019,Independence Day
09/02/2019,Labor Day
10/14/2019,Columbus Day
11/11/2019,Veterans Day
11/28/2019,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2019,Christmas Day
01/01/2020,New Year’s Day
01/20/2020,Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
02/17/2020,Washington’s Birthday
05/25/2020,Memorial Day
07/03/2020,Independence Day
09/07/2020,Labor Day
10/12/2020,Columbus Day
11/11/2020,Veterans Day
11/26/2020,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2020,Christmas Day
01/01/2021,New Year Day
01/18/2021,Martin Luther King Jr. Day
02/15/2021,Presidents Day (Washingtons Birthday)
05/31/2021,Memorial Day
07/05/2021,Independence Day
09/06/2021,Labor Day
10/11/2021,Columbus Day
11/11/2021,Veterans Day
11/25/2021,Thanksgiving Day
12/25/2021,Christmas Day
Thanks for the list!
Those bank holidays are actually correct:
@haleemur New year in 2012 fell on a sunday so monday is the holiday
@craigxgibbons Also Good Friday is not a bank holiday but is a stock market holiday.
Veterans Day and Columbus Day are bank holidays but are not stock market holidays
If you are looking for US Stock market holidays I've created a different gist here