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Last active September 11, 2016 10:26
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Mark in PostGIS buildings which belongs to South Ural State University
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
Marks academic buildings which belongs to SUSU relation in PostGIS:
set type='academic'. This mark-up used for map coloring.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Alexander Sapozhnikov
L<E<lt>[email protected]<gt>>
use LWP::Simple;
use XML::Simple;
use Getopt::Long;
my $yes = '';
my $quiet = '';
my $help = '';
'yes' => \$yes,
'quiet' => \$quiet,
'help|?' => \$help,
my $ids = join ",", get_academic_buildings_from_relation(1473514);
my $query = qq{UPDATE osm_buildings SET type='academic' WHERE osm_id IN ($ids)};
$yes = 1 if $quiet;
unless ( $yes ) {
print qq{Query is\n$query\n\nExecute [Y/n]?};
my $line = <>;
if ($line !~ /^y(es)?/i && $line ne '') {
die "Canceled\n";
# else
my $result = qx(psql -U username -d database-name -c "$query");
print $result unless $quiet;
sub get_academic_buildings_from_relation {
my $osm_id = 0 + shift or return;
my $xml = get("$osm_id")
or die "Could not get XML: $!";
my $object = XMLin $xml;
my @ways;
foreach my $member ( @{ $object->{'relation'}->{'member'} } ) {
push @ways, $member->{'ref'}
if $member->{'role'} eq 'academic'
return @ways;
} # sub get_academic_buildings_from_relation
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
Marks ways which belongs to SUSU relation in PostGIS: set flag belongs_to_susu=1
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Alexander Sapozhnikov
L<E<lt>[email protected]<gt>>
use LWP::Simple;
use XML::Simple;
use Getopt::Long;
my $yes = '';
my $quiet = '';
my $help = '';
'yes' => \$yes,
'quiet' => \$quiet,
'help|?' => \$help,
my $ids = join ",", get_ways_of_relation(1473514);
my $query = qq{UPDATE osm_buildings SET belongs_to_susu=1 WHERE osm_id IN ($ids)};
$yes = 1 if $quiet;
unless ( $yes ) {
print qq{Query is\n$query\n\nExecute [Y/n]?};
my $line = <>;
if ($line !~ /^y(es)?/i && $line ne '') {
die "Canceled\n";
# else
my $result = qx(psql -U username -d database-name -c '$query');
print $result unless $quiet;
sub get_ways_of_relation {
my $osm_id = 0 + shift or return;
my $xml = get("$osm_id")
or die "Could not get XML: $!";
my $object = XMLin $xml;
my @ways;
foreach my $member ( @{ $object->{'relation'}->{'member'} } ) {
push @ways, $member->{'ref'}
return @ways;
} # sub get_ways_of_relation
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