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Always a WIP

Divya shortdiv

Always a WIP
  • us-central1
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A847FADBBC638E45,docked_bike,2020-04-26 17:45:14,2020-04-26 18:12:03,Eckhart Park,86,Lincoln Ave & Diversey Pkwy,152,41.8964,-87.661,41.9322,-87.6586,member
5405B80E996FF60D,docked_bike,2020-04-17 17:08:54,2020-04-17 17:17:03,Drake Ave & Fullerton Ave,503,Kosciuszko Park,499,41.9244,-87.7154,41.9306,-87.7238,member
5DD24A79A4E006F4,docked_bike,2020-04-01 17:54:13,2020-04-01 18:08:36,McClurg Ct & Erie St,142,Indiana Ave & Roosevelt Rd,255,41.8945,-87.6179,41.8679,-87.623,member
2A59BBDF5CDBA725,docked_bike,2020-04-07 12:50:19,2020-04-07 13:02:31,California Ave & Division St,216,Wood St & Augusta Blvd,657,41.903,-87.6975,41.8992,-87.6722,member
27AD306C119C6158,docked_bike,2020-04-18 10:22:59,2020-04-18 11:15:54,Rush St & Hubbard St,125,Sheridan Rd & Lawrence Ave,323,41.8902,-87.6262,41.9695,-87.6547,casual
356216E875132F61,docked_bike,2020-04-30 17:55:4
Country People
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Germany 3
Ireland 1
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Portugal 3
Spain 4
Department Number
Developer Experience 11
Engineering 63
Finance 3
Founders Office 4
Marketing 15
People 6
Product 13
Sales 18
Name People Color
Developer Experience 10 #daff00
Platform 10 #61ff00
DevOps 5 #00f6ff
SRE 8 #ff00bd
Internal Tools 10 #00ffc3
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package main
import (
"id": "1pxWR8YnGwIibKOuyo1LNA",
"alias": "dr-bombays-underwater-tea-party-atlanta",
"name": "Dr. Bombay's Underwater Tea Party",
"image_url": "",
"is_closed": false,
"url": "",
"review_count": 326,
"categories": [

Vue State Management and Vuex

This is a full-day workshop on architecting state management in Vue. In this workshop, you will learn why you should use Vuex in your Vue application. Through hands-on exercises, you will learn the basics of Vuex like state, actions, mutations, and getters. We will also cover using named modules as well as best practices. If time permits, we may even dive into the new composition api and how we can harness it for state management!


Before You Arrive

Make sure you can create a new boilerplate Vue application using Vue CLI.