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Last active April 18, 2019 08:37
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An install script for LLVM and Clang v3.2.

Installing LLVM and Clang v3.2 on OS X

I'm assuming you need this version for Emscripten.

Don't worry, this script will not override your current installation of LLVM and Clang.

Be sure that you have:

  • read this README file
  • read this README file
  • understood that you have been told to read the README file twice
  • read the comments in the script

You should create a folder, cd to it, download the script, and then run it using the sh command.

So the whole process should look like:

$ mkdir llvm-src
$ cd llvm-src
$ curl $SCRIPT_URL | sh

And if all went well, LLVM and Clang v3.2 should be in /usr/local/llvm/3.2/bin.

# Please read the README file before doing anything.
# Downloads LLVM
curl > llvm-3.2.src.tar.gz
tar -xvzf llvm-3.2.src.tar.gz
rm llvm-3.2.src.tar.gz
mv llvm-3.2.src llvm
# Downlaods Clang in the `tools/` directory
cd llvm/tools
curl > clang-3.2.src.tar.gz
tar -xvzf clang-3.2.src.tar.gz
rm clang-3.2.src.tar.gz
mv clang-3.2.src clang
cd ..
# Downloads Compiler RT in the `projects/` directory
cd projects
curl > compiler-rt-3.2.src.tar.gz
tar -xvzf compiler-rt-3.2.src.tar.gz
rm compiler-rt-3.2.src.tar.gz
mv compiler-rt-3.2.src compiler-rt
cd ..
# Prepare to compile
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local/llvm/3.2
# Compile and install
make -j 4
make install
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URL gets forwarded by github --> curl needs to be told that it should follow redirects (-L parameter):

curl -L $SCRIPT_URL | sh

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