This set of actions requires a messenger_admin role.
- Click the "Messages" link at the bottom of the left bar
- See that your client name is displayed in the page header
- Click the "Add New Message" button
- Fill out all the fields, playing with the dynamic ones
- See that changing the message updates the preview SMS
- See that changing frequency alters the other fields available
- Once: Schedule = Number + {Days, Weeks}
- Daily: Schedule is fixed, Duration = Number + {Days, Weeks}
- Weekly: Schedule = {Sunday ... Saturday}, Duration = Number + {Days, Weeks}
- Alternating: Schedule is fixed, Duration = Number + {Days, Weeks}
- See that changing the Schedule updates the date above the preview SMS
- See that changing the Time of day updates the time above the preview SMS
- Click the "Create Message Template" button
- Find and click your message template in the list
- Change the values in the form as you'd like.
- Click the "Update Message Template" button
- Find and click your message template in the list
- See that your changes have persisted
- Click the "Delete" button
- See that your message template is no longer in the list
To continue testing, make sure you have at least one message that is not set to autoschedule, and one that is.
- Go to digital discharge
- Take a survey
- Provide your phone number in the Wellopp Messenger slides
- Complete the survey
If your phone number is already in use by another user in the system, you will receive a message asking you if you want to transfer your account. Accept this message by replying with the initials of the original user.
- Find the patient you just created in the dashboard
- Turn on the messenger switch in the messenger tab
- See that the patient has the autoschedule message, and doesn't have the other
- Click the "Schedule New Message" button
- Select the non-autoscheduled message and click the "Schedule" button
- See that the message is added to the patient's content schedule
- Click the edit button (pencil icon) for a message
- Type a note in the "Add a comment" field
- Adjust the "Sending Date" to be a minute in the future
- Click the "Update Message" button
- Within 2 minutes, you should receive an SMS message. See that it includes the note you typed earlier
- Respond to the message and see that your answer is acknowledged
- Click the edit button of the delivered message
- See that the text of your response is displayed
- Click the "Compliance Stats" link
- See your compliance score in the modal appears correct