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Last active September 9, 2022 18:20
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GitHub LFS Scan

GitHub LFS Scan

Check for the existence of a list of objects in git LFS.


  • Requests python library
  • a GitHub personal access token in ($GITHUB_PAT)
  • a list of objects to look for

The format for lfs_objects.txt looks like the following:

repo: shreve/test-repo
deca46927e2c1e1544dc6f0a206ae9b2c96257bfed4292a7cf7c7f6e023b8a6e 54460700
63e21a001bb4926d83bd368f25e44341e00a03af89b7ecc7ccfc13bb835a288d 13870000
repo: shreve/another-test-repo
55cfd6746fdcc1cb5a29350c5a39c742ae854adbe335a009598f35ae9bcf156e 157050855
dbef09960b9dd4392f144a05562af3639d89e9ce6f167afe928105cbeb76d04b 157811280
2552813c57acf6f65a9190949dd8768c8fc0303b00fe67ac26197c3b228bc4ae 973910290
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Collect the list of object IDs and their sizes from a single repo
git lfs ls-files --all -d | awk 'NR % 7 == 2 {size=$2} NR % 7 == 5 {oid=$3 } NR % 7 == 0 {print oid " " size}' > files.txt
"""Scan LFS to see if all the objects exist"""
import os
import requests
LFS_URL = "{repo}.git/info/lfs/objects/batch"
"operation": "download",
"transfers": ["basic"],
"objects": [],
PAT = os.environ.get("GITHUB_PAT")
def check_repo(repo, objects):
print("Checking repo", repo, "with", len(objects), "objects")
request = DOWNLOAD_REQ.copy()
request["objects"] = objects
response =
"Accept": "application/vnd.git-lfs+json",
"Content-Type": "application/vnd.git-lfs+json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {PAT}",
ok = True
for obj in response.json()["objects"]:
if obj.get("error"):
ok = False
if ok:
print(f"{repo} OK\n")
print(f"{repo} FAILED\n")
def main():
"""Main function"""
with open("lfs_objects.txt", "r") as lfs_file:
repo = None
objects = []
for line in lfs_file:
obj = line.split(" ")
if obj[0] == "repo:":
if repo is not None:
check_repo(repo, objects)
repo = obj[1].strip()
objects = []
objects.append({"oid": obj[0], "size": int(obj[1])})
if __name__ == "__main__":
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