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Forked from ticktricktrack/
Created August 3, 2012 13:12
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RoR dependencies

RoR setup instructions: I guess you already have XCode on your machine.

In general: avoid sudo where you can, with this setup you can install and run everything without sudo


here is a list of the packages on my machine

~$ brew list
qt ack		cmake		curl		git		imagemagick	jpeg		libmemcached	libxml2		libyaml		memcached	pcre		pkg-config	redis		sqlite    bash-completion	colordiff	ghostscript	graphviz	jasper		libevent	libtiff		libxslt		little-cms	mysql		openssl		pidof		readline	scons		swig		wget


sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev libqtwebkit-dev imagemagick 


RVM is pretty cool and simple, as long as you don't have trouble with readline support or ssl support, if ruby/rails complains about openssl missing or you can't type 'C' into the rails console, let me know, it can be fixed.

installation is actually a one-liner

bash -s stable < <(curl -s )

to install the ruby version just say:

rvm install 1.9.3
# unless you have XCode 4.2 then it's
rvm install 1.9.3 --with-gcc=clang

checkout sprint0 branch

place this .rvmrc file in your project dir

This creates a gem set on first use and sets the gem set whenever you enter the folder. Why gemsets? They keep the dependencies apart between projects. Each project can have it's own. cd into the folder to activate the gemset

# switch to default ruby version when exiting directory
# use ruby 1.9.3 with a specific gem set
rvm ruby-1.9.3-p0@v2

enable rvm in .bash_profile (if you haven't already)

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function

and here are a couple of my .bashrc aliases if you like

alias gemkill='gem list | cut "rake" | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs gem uninstall -aIx'
alias gti="git"
alias log="git log --oneline --decorate"
alias e="subl ."
alias b="bundle exec"
alias g="bundle exec guard -c"
alias pryy="pry -r ./config/environment"
alias pryr="pry -r ./config/environment"

install global gems

These gems are available across all gemsets

rvm gemset use global
gem install bundler pry awesome_print
rvm gemset use v2


Pry is a really great ruby console(irb) replacement, that allows you to do lots of cool debug stuff

.pryrc in your home dir

# switch default editor for pry to sublime text
Pry.config.editor = "sublime"

# format prompt to be <Rails version>@<ruby version>(<object>)>
Pry.config.prompt = proc do |obj, level, _|
  prompt = "\e[1;30m"
  prompt << "#{Rails.version} @ " if defined?(Rails)
  prompt << "#{RUBY_VERSION}"
  "#{prompt} (#{obj})>\e[0m"

# load Rails Console helpers like reload
if defined?(Rails) && Rails.env
  extend Rails::ConsoleMethods
  puts 'Rails Console Helpers loaded'

# use awesome print for all objects in pry
  require 'awesome_print'
  Pry.config.print = proc { |output, value| output.puts "=> #{ap value}" }
  puts "=> Unable to load awesome_print, please type 'gem install awesome_print' or 'sudo gem install awesome_print'."

# My pry is polite
Pry.config.hooks.add_hook :after_session, :say_bye do
  puts "bye-bye" if Pry.active_sessions == 1
end do
  import Pry::Commands
  command "lm","Alias for ls -m" do |args|
   run "ls", "-m #{args}"
  command "lM", "Alias for ls -M" do |args|
   run "ls", "-M #{args}"

Pry.config.commands = cs


Bundler is the Rails package manager, it computes all the different versions dependencies in your project and finds a set that actually will work together. So you don't have to worry much about dependency management

#check that you are in the v2 gemset
rvm gemset list
bundle install

install pow ( Zero-Configuration-Rails-Server)


put this into app/db

mysql: &mysql
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  reconnect: false
  pool: 5
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

  <<: *mysql
  database: carrier_pigeon_v2_development

test: &test
  <<: *mysql
  database: carrier_pigeon_v2_test

  <<: *mysql
  database: carrier_pigeon_v2_production

Prepare DB

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed

Check if rails runs and all the tests pass

# this starts the rails (pry) console
rails c
# this runs the whole test suite, if this runs all green, we're good to go
rake spec
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