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Created January 30, 2025 12:44
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Task 4


Create a Hotel Management System where users can register and log in as different roles (e.g., Manager, Front Desk Staff, Guest). The system should allow for managing room inventory, reservations, check-ins/check-outs, and generating overall booking and occupancy reports.


1. React Project with TypeScript:

  • Initialize a React application with TypeScript and organize folders logically (e.g., pages, components, services).

2. Authentication and Role-Based Access:

  • Implement a registration and login flow for three roles: Manager, Front Desk Staff, and Guest.
  • Use JWT for session management and secure routes.
  • Only authorized roles can access certain features (e.g., Managers and Front Desk Staff can manage rooms, Guests can create reservations).

3. Room Management Interface:

  • Managers (and possibly Front Desk Staff) can:
    • Create new rooms (fields: Room Number, Type, Status, Rate per Night, etc.).
    • Update room information (e.g., room rate, status like “Under Maintenance,” “Available”).
    • Remove rooms from the active list (e.g., if offline for maintenance).

4. Reservations and Check-ins/Check-outs:

  • Guests can:
    • View available rooms.
    • Make reservations (choosing room type, check-in and check-out dates, number of occupants).
  • Managers and Front Desk Staff can:
    • View upcoming reservations.
    • Confirm check-in and check-out.
    • Modify reservations if needed (e.g., change room if available).

5. Searching and Sorting:

  • Implement search functionality for rooms by room number, status, or type.
  • Allow sorting of rooms or reservations by date, room type, or rate.

6. Reporting Dashboards (Manager Role):

  • Managers should see summary reports:
    • Total reservations (daily, weekly, or monthly).
    • Occupancy rate across room types.
    • Average nightly rate or revenue summaries.
  • This overview offers insight into business performance and revenue trends.

7. Error Handling and Validation:

  • Provide meaningful error messages for invalid inputs (e.g., overlapping reservations, invalid dates).
  • Validate renaming or adding new rooms under constraints (e.g., unique room numbers).


1. Node.js + Express + TypeScript Setup:

  • Establish a structured project layout (routes, controllers, services, etc.).
  • Implement TypeScript best practices and linting if applicable.

2. Authentication & Authorization:

  • Use JWT-based authentication for secure endpoints.
  • Create middleware to validate tokens and extract user roles from the JWT.
  • Enforce different roles’ permissions at both route-handler and business logic levels (e.g., only Managers and Front Desk can access room management endpoints).

3. RESTful API Endpoints:

  • /auth/register → Register a new user (role specified in request, or separate invitation system).
  • /auth/login → Authenticate credentials and return a JWT.
  • /rooms (POST) → Create a new room (Manager or Front Desk only).
  • /rooms (GET) → Fetch rooms, support search/filter by status, type, etc.
  • /rooms/:id (PUT) → Update room info (Manager or Front Desk only).
  • /rooms/:id (DELETE) → Delete/disable a room (Manager only, or also Front Desk depending on policy).
  • /reservations (POST) → Make a new reservation (Guest or Staff on behalf of a guest).
  • /reservations/:id (PUT) → Update a reservation (Manager, Front Desk, or the Guest who created it).
  • /reservations/checkin (POST) → Check a guest in (Manager or Front Desk only).
  • /reservations/checkout (POST) → Check a guest out (Manager or Front Desk only).
  • /reports/occupancy (GET) → Get occupancy rates and reservation stats (Manager only).

4. Database Schema (MySQL + TypeORM):

  • Users Table
    • Stores user details (email, password hash, role).
  • Rooms Table
    • Fields: roomNumber, roomType, status (Available, Occupied, Maintenance), ratePerNight, etc.
  • Reservations Table
    • Maps Guests to Rooms, includes checkInDate, checkOutDate, reservationStatus (Booked, Checked-In, Checked-Out), numberOfGuests, totalCost, etc.
  • Feel free to create any other tables if needed.

5. Data Integrity & Validation:

  • Enforce constraints: no double-booking of the same room for overlapping dates.
  • Enforce role-based constraints in database operations, not just in the frontend.
  • Validate rate inputs, date ranges, occupant limits, etc.


  1. Users can register and log in, receiving JWTs.
  2. The role-based access flow is correctly enforced (Managers, Front Desk, Guests).
  3. Rooms can be created, edited, or removed by authorized roles only.
  4. Guests can book rooms, view their reservations and confirmation of check-in/check-out.
  5. Searching and sorting capabilities work correctly both at the API level and in the UI.
  6. Managers can view aggregated reports (occupancy, revenue, etc.) for better business insights.
  7. Code demonstrates good organization, readability, and TypeScript best practices, including secure password storage and authentication.


  • If there are any gaps or assumptions needed within the task, developers are encouraged to make reasonable assumptions and document these assumptions clearly in their code or accompanying documentation.
  • The developer should be able to explain their design and implementation decisions if asked.
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