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Created March 29, 2014 20:46
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CrashPlan Pause/Resume
set isCrashPlanRunning to false
set pid to do shell script ¬
"sudo launchctl list | grep com.crashplan.engine" user name "username" password ¬
"password" with administrator privileges
set isCrashPlanRunning to true
end try
if isCrashPlanRunning then
log "CrashPlan is already running: " & pid
log "CrashPlan is not currently running…"
end if
if isCrashPlanRunning then
log "Stopping CrashPlan engine…"
do shell script ¬
"launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.engine.plist" user name "username" password ¬
"password" with administrator privileges
log "Starting CrashPlan engine…"
tell application "CrashPlan menu bar" to activate
do shell script ¬
"launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.engine.plist" user name "username" password ¬
"password" with administrator privileges
end if
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