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Created November 19, 2012 07:41
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SmokeTest Data Generation with QuickCheck
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances#-}
module SmokeTest where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import System.IO
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Poly
class Variant a where
valid :: Gen a
invalid :: Gen a
instance Variant a => Arbitrary a where
arbitrary = oneof [valid, invalid]
data Record = InputRecord Name Number
| OutputRecord Name Number OutputType deriving Show
data Number = Number String deriving Show
data Name = Name String deriving Show
data OutputType = OutputType String deriving Show
instance Variant Name where
valid = Name <$> elements ["correctName"]
invalid = Name <$> elements ["outName"]
instance Variant Number where
valid = Number <$> elements ["correctNum"]
invalid = Number <$> elements ["outNum"]
instance Variant OutputType where
valid = OutputType <$> elements ["correctOutput"]
invalid = OutputType <$> elements ["outOutput"]
instance Variant Record where
valid = oneof [ InputRecord <$> valid <*> valid
, OutputRecord <$> valid <*> valid <*> valid
invalid = oneof [ InputRecord <$> valid <*> invalid
, OutputRecord <$> valid <*> valid <*> invalid
data DataDefinition = DataDefinition Name Record deriving Show
main =
let num = 200
let config = [ ("All_Valid", "txt", num, (valid , valid)) ]
mapM_ create_test_set config
create_test_set (fname, ext, count, gens) =
test_set <- sample' $ vectorOf count (mkDataDef gens)
zipWithM_ (writeToFile fname ext) [1..] test_set
mkDataDef (gen_name, gen_rec) = DataDefinition <$> gen_name <*> gen_rec
writeToFile name_prefix suffix n x =
h <- openFile (name_prefix ++ "_" ++ pad n ++ "." ++ suffix) WriteMode
hPutStrLn h $ show x
hClose h
pad n = reverse $ take 4 $ (reverse $ show n) ++ (repeat '0')
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