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Last active December 15, 2016 15:27
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Simple oh-my-zsh plugin for projects management
# Go to the project dir
prcd() {
cd $PROJECTS_HOME/$project
# Create new project and cd in the project path and open ST
prnew() {
mkdir "$PROJECTS_HOME/$*" && cd "$PROJECTS_HOME/$*" && git init
# Delete project
prdel() {
echo "$fg[red]Do you want to delete project:$reset_color$fg[green] $project $reset_color?"
read line
if [ "$line" = Y ] || [ "$line" = y ]; then
rm -fr $PROJECTS_HOME/$project
echo "$fg[red]Project $project destroyed.$reset_color"
echo "$fg[green]Project $project was left intact.$reset_color"
_list_projects() {
compadd `ls -d -- $PROJECTS_HOME/*/ | while read i ; do basename "$i" ; done`
compdef _list_projects prcd
compdef _list_projects prdel
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