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Last active August 12, 2024 12:17
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Bash script to fetch and store secrets from Azure KeyVault
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fetch secrets for local development from Azure KeyVault
# and print them to stdout as a bunch of env var exports.
# These secrets should be added to your local .env file
# to enable running integration tests locally.
function fetch_secret_from_keyvault() {
local SECRET_NAME=$1
az keyvault secret show --vault-name "${KEY_VAULT}" --name "${SECRET_NAME}" --query "value"
function store_secret_from_keyvault() {
local SECRET_VAR=$1
local SECRET_NAME=$2
local SECRET_VALUE=`fetch_secret_from_keyvault "${SECRET_NAME}"`
store_secret "${SECRET_VAR}" "${SECRET_VALUE}"
function store_secret() {
local SECRET_VAR=$1
echo "export ${SECRET_VAR}=${SECRET_VALUE}"
echo "# ----------------------- "
echo "# Fetched the following secrets from ${KEY_VAULT} on "`date`
store_secret_from_keyvault "MONGO_URI" "local-dev-mongo-uri"
store_secret_from_keyvault "WASB_MEDIA_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" "local-dev-media-storage-account-name"
store_secret_from_keyvault "WASB_MEDIA_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_KEY" "local-dev-media-storage-account-key"
store_secret_from_keyvault "WASB_MEDIA_STORAGE_CONTAINER_NAME" "local-dev-media-storage-container-name"
store_secret "KEY_VAULT_URI" "https://${KEY_VAULT}"
store_secret_from_keyvault "KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_ID" "kv-sp-app-id"
store_secret_from_keyvault "KEY_VAULT_CLIENT_SECRET" "kv-sp-password"
store_secret_from_keyvault "KEY_VAULT_TENANT_ID" "kv-sp-tenant"
echo "# End of fetched secrets. "
echo "# ----------------------- "
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