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Last active July 23, 2020 09:07
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Save shubhamjain/5964350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This class is a better replacement for PHP unpack(). Unlike unpack, which creates a very large associative array, this class reads data in blocks defined by a map. Additionally blocks of Dynamic size can also be used with special constants.
* A simple class to read variable byte length binary data.
* This is basically is a better replacement for unpack() function
* which creates a very large associative array.
* @author Shubham Jain <[email protected]>
* @example
* @license MIT License
class BinaryFileReader {
const SIZE_OF = 1; //size of block depends upon the variable defined in the next array element.
const NULL_TERMINATED = 2; //Block is read until NULL is encountered.
const EOF_TERMINATED = 3; //Block is read until EOF is encountered.
const FIXED = 4; //Block size is fixed.
const INT = 5; //Datatypes to transform the read block
const FLOAT = 6;
private $_fp; //file handle to read data
private $_map; //Associative array of Varaibles and their info ( TYPE, SIZE, DATA_TYPE)
// In special cases it can be an array to handle different
// Types of block data lengths
public function __construct ( $fp, array $map )
$this->_fp = $fp;
$this->SetMap( $map );
public function SetMap ( $map )
$this->_map = $map;
foreach ($map as $key => $size) {
$this->$key = NULL; //Create variables from keys of $map
public function Read()
if( feof($this->_fp) )
return false;
foreach ($this->_map as $key => $info)
switch ( $info[0] )
while( (int)bin2hex(($ch = fgetc( $this->_fp ))) !== 0 )
$this->$key .= $ch; break;
case self::EOF_TERMINATED:
while( !feof($this->_fp) )
$this->$key .= fgetc( $this->_fp ); break;
case self::SIZE_OF:
if( !( $info[1] = $this->$info[1] ))
return false;
$this->$key = fread($this->_fp, $info[1]); //Read as string
if( isset($info[2]) )
switch ( $info[2] )
case self::INT:
$this->$key = intval(bin2hex($this->$key), 16); break;
case self::FLOAT:
$this->$key = floatval(bin2hex($this->$key), 16);
return $this;
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