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Created March 27, 2014 14:45
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Library to use VLC HTTP interface in python
"""Module to use VLC HTTP interface
@author Shubham Jain <[email protected]>
@license MIT License
VLC provides an HTTP interface (by default disabled) at
I have written some basic functions to work on the interface.
vlc = vlc_http()
vlc.play_pause() #Seek 5 seconds from current position
vlc.set_volume(100) #Set volume to 100%
import requests
import urllib
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
class vlc_http:
port = 8080 # Port on which player interface exists
sec_percentage = 0 # Each second represents how much percentage of the media
def __init__(self, port=8080):
self.port = port
# Check if VLC localhost page is accessible or not
page = requests.get('http://localhost:'+str(self.port))
raise Exception("There was a problem connecting with VLC localhost control. \
Make sure that VLC is running and port address is correct.")
def get_attributes( self ):
""" It parses the VLC status xml file and returns a dictionary of attributes. """
page = requests.get('http://localhost:'+str(self.port)+'/requests/status.xml')
attributes = {}
et = ET.fromstring( page.text )
# It is advised to look at the structure of status.xml to understand this
for ele in et:
# If element doesn't have sub elements.
if len(ele) == 0:
attributes[ ele.tag ] = ele.text
attributes[ ele.tag ] = {}
for subele in ele:
if subele.tag == "category":
subattr = attributes[ ele.tag ][ subele.get("name") ] = {}
for _subele in subele:
subattr[ _subele.get("name")] = _subele.text
attributes[ ele.tag ][ subele.tag ] = subele.text
return attributes
def set_sec_percentage(self):
""" Calculates and sets how much percentage of media each second represents for the seek() function. """
attributes = self.get_attributes()
media_length = int(attributes["length"])
self.sec_percentage = 100 / media_length
def send_command(self, command, val=None):
""" Send commands to VLC http interface - seek, volume, pause/play etc ."""
if (val == None ):
requests.get('http://localhost:'+str(self.port)+'/requests/status.xml?command=' + command )
requests.get('http://localhost:'+str(self.port)+'/requests/status.xml?command=' + command + '&val=' + urllib.quote_plus(str(val)) )
# Commands taking arguments.
def seek(self, val, flag=SEEK_CUR):
""" Seek the media to value given in seconds. By default, it seeks from current media position.
Additionaly, flag SEEK_BEGIN can be passed to seek from beginning position."""
attributes = self.get_attributes()
if( not("length" in attributes) ):
raise Exception("No media being played for seek command to work.")
if( flag == self.SEEK_CUR ):
seek_offset = float(attributes["position"]) * int(attributes["length"])
elif( flag == self.SEEK_BEGIN ):
seek_offset = 0
raise Exception("Unknown flag passed.")
seek_val_sec = seek_offset + val
seek_percentage = (seek_val_sec / int(attributes["length"])) * 100
self.send_command("seek", str(seek_percentage) + "%")
def set_volume(self, val):
""" Sets the volume of VLC. The interface expects value between 0 and 512 while in the UI it is 0% to 200%. So a factor of 2.56 is used
to convert 0% to 200% to a scale of 0 to 512."""
self.send_command("volume", 2.56 * val)
def play_file(self, in_file):
""" Send the input file to be played. The in_file must be a valid playable resource."""
if( not( os.path.isfile(infile) ) ):
raise Exception("FileNotFound: The file " + infile + " does not exist.")
self.send_command("in_file", "file://" + os.path.abspath(infile) )
# No-argument commands.
def play_pause(self):
"""Toggle between play and pause."""
def stop(self):
"""Stops the player."""
def fullscreen(self):
""" Toggle fullscreen."""
def next(self):
""" Next media on the playlist. """
def previous(self):
""" Previous media on the playlist. """
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