Original idea is from this post
Open a tab and navigate to the website where you have content to export.
Open devtools and switch to the console tab.
Copy and paste the following snippet in the console and Chrome should ask you to save the output file
var obj = JSON.stringify(localStorage, null, 4)
var vLink = document.createElement('a')
vBlob = new Blob([obj], {type: "octet/stream"})
vUrl = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(vBlob);
vLink.setAttribute('href', vUrl);
vLink.setAttribute('download', vUrl.split('/')[2] + '-export.json'); // give you the website name + "export.json"
- Profit!
Thanks for the code! But for those who are looking to import the JSON back with a file selector, here is the code to load the JSON back to local storage which will overwrite the localStorage on the current website,