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Created October 6, 2012 16:31
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Python: Sparse Autoencoder
import numpy as np
#from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fmin_l_bfgs_b as bfgs,check_grad,fmin_bfgs,fmin_tnc
from import loadmat
import cPickle
class params:
A wrapper around weights and biases
for an autoencoder
def __init__(self,indim,hdim,w1 = None,b1 = None,w2 = None,b2 = None):
self._indim = indim
self._hdim = hdim
# initialize the weights randomly and the biases to 0
r = np.sqrt(6.) / np.sqrt((indim * 2) + 1.)
self.w1 = w1 if w1 is not None else np.random.random_sample((indim,hdim)) * 2 * r - r
self.b1 = b1 if b1 is not None else np.zeros(hdim)
self.w2 = w2 if w2 is not None else np.random.random_sample((hdim,indim)) * 2 * r - r
self.b2 = b2 if b2 is not None else np.zeros(indim)
def unroll(self):
"Unroll" all parameters into a single parameter vector
w1 = self.w1.reshape(self._indim * self._hdim)
w2 = self.w2.reshape(self._hdim * self._indim)
return np.concatenate([w1,
def roll(theta,indim,hdim):
"Roll" all parameter vectors into a params instance
wl = indim * hdim
w1 = theta[:wl]
w1 = w1.reshape((indim,hdim))
bb = wl + wl
w2 = theta[wl: bb]
w2 = w2.reshape((hdim,indim))
b1 = theta[bb : bb + hdim]
b2 = theta[bb + hdim : bb + hdim + indim]
return params(indim,hdim,w1,b1,w2,b2)
def __eq__(self,o):
return (self.w1 == o.w1).all() and \
(self.w2 == o.w2).all() and \
(self.b1 == o.b1).all() and \
(self.b2 == o.b2).all()
def _test():
p = params(100,23)
a = p.unroll()
b = params.roll(a,100,23)
print p == b
print all(a == b.unroll())
class autoencoder(object):
A horribly inefficient implementation
of an autoencoder, which is meant to
teach me, and not much else.
def __init__(self, params, include_weight_decay = True, include_sparsity = True):
self._include_weight_decay = include_weight_decay
self._include_sparsity = include_sparsity
# this is multiplied against the sparsity delta
self._beta = 3
self._sparsity = 0.01
# this is the learning rate
self._alpha = .01
# this is the weight decay term
self._lambda = 0.0001
self._netp = params
## ACTIVATION OF THE NETWORK #########################################
def _pre_sigmoid(self,a,w):
Compute the pre-sigmoid activation
for a layer
z = np.zeros((a.shape[0],w.shape[1]))
for i,te in enumerate(a):
z[i] = (w.T * te).sum(1)
return z
def _sigmoid(self,la):
compute the sigmoid function for an array
of arbitrary shape and size
return 1. / (1 + np.exp(-la))
def activate(self,inp,params=None):
Activate the net on a batch of training examples.
return the input, and states of all layers for all
if None is params:
params = self._netp
# number of training examples
m = inp.shape[0]
# pre-sigmoid activation at the hidden layer
z2 = self._pre_sigmoid(inp,params.w1) + np.tile(params.b1,(m,1))
# sigmoid activation of the hidden layer
a = self._sigmoid(z2)
# pre-sigmoid activation of the output layer
z3 = self._pre_sigmoid(a,params.w2) + np.tile(params.b2,(m,1))
# sigmoid activation of the hidden layer
o = self._sigmoid(z3)
return inp,a,z2,z3,o
## PARAMETER LEARNING ################################################
def _rcost(self,inp,params,a=None,z2=None,z3=None,o=None):
The real-valued cost of using the parameters
on a (batch) input
if None == o:
# activate the network with params
ae = autoencoder(params)
inp,a,z2,z3,o = ae.activate(inp,params=params)
# find the norm of the difference between each
# input/output pair
diff = o - inp
n = np.sqrt((diff**2).sum(1))
# one half squared error between input and output
se = (0.5 * (n ** 2)).sum()
# cost is the average of the one half squared error
c = ((1. / inp.shape[0]) * se)
# sum of squared error + weight decay + sparse
if self._include_weight_decay:
c += self._weight_decay_cost(params=params)
if self._include_sparsity:
c += self._sparse_cost(a)
return c
def _fprime(self,a):
first-derivative of the sigmoid function
return a * (1. - a)
def _sparse_ae_cost(self,inp,parms,check_grad = False):
Get the batch error and gradients for many
training examples at once and update
weights and biases accordingly
onem = (1. / len(inp))
inp,a,z2,z3,o = self.activate(inp,params=parms)
d3 = -(inp - o) * self._fprime(o)
bp = self._backprop(d3,params=parms)
spgd = np.zeros(bp.shape)
if self._include_sparsity:
spgd = self._sparse_grad(a)
bp += spgd
d2 = bp * self._fprime(a)
wg2 = self._weight_grad(d3,a,parms.w2)
wg1 = self._weight_grad(d2,inp,parms.w1)
bg2 = self._bias_grad(d3)
bg1 = self._bias_grad(d2)
c = self._rcost(inp,parms,a=a,z2=z2,z3=z3,o=o)
if check_grad:
# unroll the gradients into a flat vector
rg = params(self.indim,self.hdim,wg1,bg1,wg2,bg2).unroll()
# perform a (very costly) numerical
# check of the gradients
return c, wg2, wg1, bg2, bg1
def _sparse_ae_cost_unrolled(self,inp,parms):
c, wg2, wg1, bg2, bg1 = self._sparse_ae_cost(inp,parms)
return params(self.indim,self.hdim,wg1,bg1,wg2,bg2).unroll()
def _weight_decay_cost(self,params=None):
if None is params:
params = self._netp
w1 = params.w1**2
w2 = params.w2**2
return (self._lambda / 2.) * (w1.sum() + w2.sum())
def _sparse_cost(self,a):
compute the sparsity penalty for a batch
of activations.
p = self._sparsity
p_hat = np.average(a,0)
a = p * np.log(p /p_hat)
b = (1 - p) * np.log((1 - p) / (1 - p_hat))
return self._beta * (a + b).sum()
def _sparse_grad(self,a):
p_hat = np.average(a,0)
p = self._sparsity
return self._beta * (-(p / p_hat) + ((1 - p) / (1 - p_hat)))
def _bias_grad(self,cost):
return (1. / cost.shape[0]) * cost.sum(0)
def _weight_grad(self,cost,a,w):
# compute the outer product of the error and the activations
# for each training example, and sum them together to
# obtain the update for each weight
wg = (cost[:,:,np.newaxis] * a[:,np.newaxis,:]).sum(0).T
wg = ((1. / cost.shape[0]) * wg)
if self._include_weight_decay:
wg += (self._lambda * w)
return wg
def _backprop(self,out_err,params=None):
Compute the error of the hidden layer
by performing backpropagation.
out_err is the error of the output
layer for every training example.
rows are errors.
if None is params:
params = self._netp
# the dot product of the layer 2 weights with output
# error for each training example
tiled = np.tile(params.w2[np.newaxis,:,:],(out_err.shape[0],1,1))
return (tiled * out_err[:,np.newaxis,:]).sum(2)
def _update(self,inp,wg2,wg1,bg2,bg1):
if self._include_weight_decay:
wg2 += self._netp.w2 * self._lambda
wg1 += self._netp.w1 * self._lambda
self._netp.w2 -= self._alpha * wg2
self._netp.w1 -= self._alpha * wg1
self._netp.b2 -= self._alpha * bg2
self._netp.b1 -= self._alpha * bg1
def _check_grad(self,params,inp,grad,epsilon = 10**-4):
def rcst(x):
return self._rcost(inp,params.roll(x,self.indim,self.hdim))
def rcstprime(x):
return self._sparse_ae_cost_unrolled(inp,params.roll(x,self.indim,self.hdim))
err = check_grad(rcst,rcstprime,params.unroll())
rc = self._rcost
e = epsilon
tolerance = e ** 2
theta = params.unroll()
num_grad = np.zeros(theta.shape)
# compute the numerical gradient of the function by
# varying the parameters one by one.
for i in range(len(theta)):
plus = np.copy(theta)
minus = np.copy(theta)
plus[i] += e
minus[i] -= e
pp = params.roll(plus,self.indim,self.hdim)
mp = params.roll(minus,self.indim,self.hdim)
num_grad[i] = (rc(inp,pp) - rc(inp,mp)) / (2. * e)
# the analytical gradient
agp = params.roll(grad,self.indim,self.hdim)
# the numerical gradient
ngp = params.roll(num_grad,self.indim,self.hdim)
diff = np.linalg.norm(num_grad - grad) / np.linalg.norm(num_grad + grad)
# layer 1 weights difference
print np.linalg.norm(ngp.w1 - agp.w1) / np.linalg.norm(ngp.w1 + agp.w1)
# layer 2 weights difference
print np.linalg.norm(ngp.w2 - agp.w2) / np.linalg.norm(ngp.w2 + agp.w2)
# layer 1 bias difference
print np.linalg.norm(ngp.b1 - agp.b1) / np.linalg.norm(ngp.b1 + agp.b1)
# layer 2 bias difference
print np.linalg.norm(ngp.b2 - agp.b2) / np.linalg.norm(ngp.b2 + agp.b2)
print 'Difference between analytical and numerical gradients is %s' % str(diff)
print 'scipy.optimize error is %s' % str(err)
print '2norm is %s' % str(np.linalg.norm(num_grad - grad))
print np.all(np.sign(num_grad) == np.sign(grad))
#print diff < tolerance
print '================================================================'
print ngp.w1.max()
print agp.w1.max()
print ngp.w2.max()
print agp.w2.max()
# plot the analytical gradients on
# the first row
# plot the numerical (brute force)
# gradients on the second row
return ngp.unroll()
def indim(self):
return self._netp._indim
def hdim(self):
return self._netp._hdim
def train(self,inp,iterations,with_bfgs = False,grad_check_freq = None):
def rcst(x):
v = self._rcost(inp,params.roll(x,self.indim,self.hdim))
print 'rcst says: %s' % str(v)
return v
def rcstprime(x):
return self._sparse_ae_cost_unrolled(inp,params.roll(x,self.indim,self.hdim))
if with_bfgs:
x0 = self._netp.unroll()
mn,val,d = bfgs(rcst,
fprime = rcstprime,
print val
print d['task']
print d['warnflag']
print d['grad'].sum()
print d['funcalls']
with open('autoencoder2.dat','wb') as f:
return mn
for i in range(iterations):
if grad_check_freq:
gc = i and not i % grad_check_freq
gc = False
grads = self._sparse_ae_cost(inp,self._netp, check_grad = gc)
# leave out cost, the first item
# in the grads tuple
return self._netp.unroll()
import argparse
import PIL
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Attempted autoencoder implementation')
# You can download a zip file containing the images data and
# starter octave code from here:
help='path to IMAGES.mat')
help='use scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b to minimize cost',
help='number of patches to draw from images',
help='include the sparsity term',
help='include the weight decay term',
args = parser.parse_args()
# size of input and output layers
n_dim = 64
# size of hidden layer
h_dim = 25
def random_image_patches(n_samples=args.nsamples):
a = loadmat(args.imgpath)
m = a['IMAGES']
patches = np.zeros((n_samples,64))
ri = np.random.randint
for i in range(n_samples):
img = ri(0,10)
r = ri(0,504)
c = ri(0,504)
patches[i] = m[r:r+8,c:c+8,ri(0,10)].reshape(64)
return patches
# preprocess the data
def preprocess(data):
data -= data.mean(axis=0)
pstd = 3 * data.std()
data = np.maximum(np.minimum(data,pstd),-pstd) / pstd
data = (data + 1) * .4 + .1
return data
samples = random_image_patches()
samples = preprocess(samples)
# if we're not using bfgs, do a numerical gradient check every
# 10 training epochs
gcf = 10 if not args.usebfgs else None
#gcf = None
# train the autoencoder
ae = autoencoder(params(n_dim,h_dim),
include_weight_decay = args.wd,
include_sparsity = args.sparse)
theta = ae.train(samples, # image patches
10000, # n epochs
with_bfgs = args.usebfgs, # use scipy.optimize.l_fmin_bfgs_b
grad_check_freq = gcf) # perform a numerical gradient check every n iterations
# plot the filters learned by the autoencoder
with open('autoencoder2.dat','rb') as f:
theta = cPickle.load(f)
p = params.roll(theta,64,25)
w1 = p.w1.T
spacing = 1
img = np.ones((8 * 5 + 8,8 * 5 + 8))
fn = 0
for i in range(5):
for q in range(5):
x = i * (8 + 1) + 1
y = q * (8 + 1) + 1
img[x:x+8,y:y+8] = w1[fn].reshape((8,8))
fn +=1
img *= 255. / img.max()
image = PIL.Image.fromarray(img)
image = image.convert('L')'filters.bmp')
# grab some new patches and reconstruct them
num_plots = 10
samples = random_image_patches(num_plots)
samples = preprocess(samples)
for i in range(num_plots):
signal = samples[i]
inp,a,z2,z3,o = ae.activate(np.array([signal]))
plt.subplot(num_plots,1,i + 1)
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