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Last active June 24, 2019 09:26
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Agenda for first Tech Workers Coalition Berlin meeting

Tech Workers Coalition

Tech Workers Coalition Berlin

Tech Workers have a lot of potential power to change society. Anyone who identifies as a tech worker and is interested in learning how to build collective power or get involved in a campaign is welcome. Tech Workers are currently organising against gender pay gaps, workplace harassment, surveillance technologies, amongst other things. This document is an agenda item for the first meeting of Tech Workers Coalition Berlin.

A panel about Tech Workers Movement was held earlier this month 10 June 2019 at Aquarium Am Südblock, featuring Logic Magazine co-founders Ben Tarnoff and Moira Weigel. Ben, who is also an organiser of the Boston chapter, will be present during the meeting. You can click to watch the video or listen for audio.

20 June 2019

This will be the first of many future meetups. A second meetup is scheduled for the 27th of June, so do not worry if you missed the first one!


Time Location
18:45 to 21:00 Bilgisaray, Oranienstrasse 45, Berlin

Bilgisaray is a smoke-free environment. Unfortunately, it is not wheelchair accessible. We will try to ensure that future venue spaces are accessible.


Schedule Description
18:45 Everyone arrives, write name tags
19:00 People briefly introduce themselves
19:15 a short presentation by Yonatan Miller on what Tech Workers Coalition around the world have accomplished
19:30 Interactive breakout session to figure out what tech/social issues are personally important to you
19:45 Group report back and discussion
20:00 Second breakout session to figure out what new/existing campaigns we can get involved in
20:30 Thirty minutes to wrap up and figure out the next steps for meeting on 27 June and any action items
21:00 Go home with some resources, contacts and feeling inspired! 💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿

Code of Conduct

The meeting is covered under the Berlin Code of Conduct. Additionally, steps will be taken to ensure the privacy and safety of members attending. Sharing the identity of members and or taking photos are strictly forbidden unless express consent is given.


Twitter: @TechWorkersBER

Tech Workers Coalition website

Tech Workers Coalition Facebook

Contact info

ListServ: To subscribe send an email to [email protected]

⚠️Website is Work In Progress ⚠️

If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email one of the organisers at [email protected] or comment here

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JMCQ87 commented Jun 12, 2019

LGTM! ;)

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