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Created July 26, 2012 11:46
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# coding=utf8
encode and decode a normal tree (children can be more than 2) to and from string (format of your own choice)
from functools import reduce
class Node:
def __init__(self, value, children=[]):
self.value = value
self.children = children
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.value)
def flatten(A): # [[a], [b], [c]] -> [a, b, c]
return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, A, [])
def encode(T):
if not T:
return ''
queue = [[T]]
levels = []
while flatten(queue):
levels.append('|'.join([','.join(map(str, group)) for group in queue]))
queue = [node.children for node in flatten(queue)]
return ';'.join(levels)
def decode(s):
if not s:
return None
levels = s.split(';')
root = None
for l in levels:
group = l.split('|') # [[2, 3, 4]], [[4,5],[],[]] [[7,8], [], [], []]
for i in range(len(group)):
current_level = []
children = group[i].split(',')
for child in children:
if not root:
root = Node(child, children=[]) # the root [[1]]
current_level = [root]
if not child:
node = Node(value=int(child), children=[])
current_level += [node]
# [4,5] done, next to [[], []]
if len(group) == 0:
current_level += [None]
# one level done
last_level = current_level
return root
T = Node(1, [Node(2, [Node(5), Node(6)]), Node(3), Node(4, [Node(7), Node(8), Node(9)])])
def p(t):
return '(' + str(t) + ''.join(list(map(p, t.children))) + ')' if t else '()'
print('original', p(T))
enc = encode(T)
print('encoded ', enc)
print('decoded ', p(decode(enc)))
#### simpler version of decoding ####
import re
def tokenize(s):
return re.findall(r'\(|\)|\d+', s)
def match(ts, t):
return ts[0] == t
def expect(ts, t):
assert match(ts, t)
def decode2(ts):
expect(ts, '(')
node = None
if not match(ts, ')'):
# expect int, not implemented
node = Node(ts[0], children=[])
while not match(ts, ')'):
expect(ts, ')')
return node
print('encode2 ', p(T))
print('decode2 ', p(decode2(tokenize(p(T)))))
''' output
original (1(2(5)(6))(3)(4(7)(8)(9)))
encoded 1;2,3,4;5,6||7,8,9
decoded (1(2(5)(6))(3)(4(7)(8)(9)))
encode2 (1(2(5)(6))(3)(4(7)(8)(9)))
decode2 (1(2(5)(6))(3)(4(7)(8)(9)))
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