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Last active August 8, 2024 23:15
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Save siberex/135d56869aeaea185c2558a677fc9e83 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updates A-record to specified IP with CloudFlare API
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# DNS:Edit
CF_TOKEN="$(cut -d '=' -f2 < $HOME/.cloudflare.auth | xargs)"
INTERNAL_IP="$(tailscale ip -4)"
ZONE_NAME="$(echo "$HOSTNAME" | rev | cut -d '.' -f1,2 | rev)"
ZONE_ID_RESULT=$(curl --silent --request GET \
--url "${API_BASEURL}/zones?name=${ZONE_NAME}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${CF_TOKEN}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jshon -e result)
[ "[]" == "${ZONE_ID_RESULT}" ] && echo "Could not find zone_id for zone name '${ZONE_NAME}'. Check CF Token permissions"
ZONE_ID=$(echo "${ZONE_ID_RESULT}" | jshon -e 0 -e id -u)
echo "Checking records for zone name '${ZONE_NAME}' (ID=${ZONE_ID})"
# Get all but ".$ZONE_NAME" from $HOSTNAME
RECORDS_RESULT=$(curl --silent --request GET \
--url "${API_BASEURL}/zones/${ZONE_ID}/dns_records?type=A&name=${RECORD_NAME}.${ZONE_NAME}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${CF_TOKEN}" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' | jshon -e result)
PAYLOAD_DATA='{"content": "'${INTERNAL_IP}'", "name": "'${RECORD_NAME}'", "proxied": false, "type": "A"}'
if [ "[]" == "${RECORDS_RESULT}" ]; then
echo "No records of type A with the name='${RECORD_NAME}' in the zone='${ZONE_NAME}'. Creating one..."
curl --silent --request POST \
--url "${API_BASEURL}/zones/${ZONE_ID}/dns_records" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${CF_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data "${PAYLOAD_DATA}" | jshon
echo "Updating existing record with the name='${RECORD_NAME}' in the zone='${ZONE_NAME}'..."
# Note: It will update only the first found record. Skipping all others (there are could be more than one type A records with the same name)
RECORD_ID=$(echo "${RECORDS_RESULT}" | jshon -e 0 -e id -u)
curl --silent --request PATCH \
--url "{$API_BASEURL}/zones/${ZONE_ID}/dns_records/${RECORD_ID}" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${CF_TOKEN}" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data "${PAYLOAD_DATA}" | jshon
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