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Created September 17, 2013 23:09
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git commit-msg hook to prepend commit messages with a JIRA ticket number
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Jon Sibley, Sept 17 2013, based on this gist:
# A minimal commit message hook that extracts a JIRA ticket number from the branch
# name and appends it to the commit message.
# The commit message remains unchanged if the branch name doesn't include a
# ticket number or the message already includes a reference to it.
# Let's assume you have a story that outlines that you want to deliver foo
# value. You start by checking out a branch:
# 123-deliver-foo-feature
# You commit a unit of work:
# Did bar
# This becomes:
# IOS-123 Did bar
branchname = `git name-rev --name-only HEAD 2>/dev/null`.strip
exit unless branchname.match(/^(\d+)/)
ticket = "#{$1}"
message_file = ARGV[0]
message =
# exit if message.include? "IOS-" + ticket
prepended_message = "IOS-#{ticket} " + message, 'w') { |f| f.write prepended_message }
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