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sickrandir / OSD log transparent images reappear
Created June 8, 2017 10:34
OSD log transparent images reappear
[Log] DRAW TOP1 631
[Log] 448
[Log] 232
[Log] 820.1257474600866
[Log] 945.5260874849878
[Log] 499.36719883889646
[Log] 258.60087082728563
[Log] DRAW TOP1 510
[Log] 448
[Log] 514
sickrandir / gist:0cfc017ef97bc2b0128c5b6de0ed533c
Created June 8, 2017 10:26
OSD log transparent images disappear
[Log] DRAW TOP1 642
[Log] 448
[Log] 232
[Log] 814.1257474600867
[Log] 929.8883691824793
[Log] 499.36719883889646
[Log] 258.60087082728563
[Log] DRAW TOP1 327
[Log] 448
[Log] 514
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if (useSketch) {
var offsetForRotation = tiledImage.viewport.degrees !== 0 && sketchScale;
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if (offsetForRotation) {
tiledImage._drawer._offsetForRotation(tiledImage.viewport.degrees, false);