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Last active January 15, 2021 09:39
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Benchmarks Comparison: Baseline - ElasticSearch upstream v/s Contender - Arc v7.28.0 Release
Comparing baseline 
  Race ID: es-raw 
  Race timestamp: 2020-06-15 16:35:44 
  Challenge: append-no-conflicts 
  Car: external 

with contender 
  Race ID: arc_7.28.0_retest_notemplate_logging_on 
  Race timestamp: 2020-06-27 10:51:57 
  Challenge: append-no-conflicts 
  Car: external 

    _______             __   _____
   / ____(_)___  ____ _/ /  / ___/_________  ________
  / /_  / / __ \/ __ `/ /   \__ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ _ \
 / __/ / / / / / /_/ / /   ___/ / /__/ /_/ / /  /  __/
/_/   /_/_/ /_/\__,_/_/   /____/\___/\____/_/   \___/
Metric Task Baseline Contender Diff Unit
Cumulative indexing time of primary shards 26.6314 27.3431 0.71172 min
Min cumulative indexing time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Median cumulative indexing time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Max cumulative indexing time across primary shard 5.7284 5.9216 0.1932 min
Cumulative indexing throttle time of primary shards 0 2.34195 2.34195 min
Min cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Median cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Max cumulative indexing throttle time across primary shard 0 1.51283 1.51283 min
Cumulative merge time of primary shards 7.12035 8.21878 1.09843 min
Cumulative merge count of primary shards 16 15 -1
Min cumulative merge time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Median cumulative merge time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Max cumulative merge time across primary shard 1.70822 1.89967 0.19145 min
Cumulative merge throttle time of primary shards 0.733533 0.726117 -0.00742 min
Min cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Median cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Max cumulative merge throttle time across primary shard 0.1923 0.2121 0.0198 min
Cumulative refresh time of primary shards 6.70737 8.71615 2.00878 min
Cumulative refresh count of primary shards 1043 1747 704
Min cumulative refresh time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Median cumulative refresh time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Max cumulative refresh time across primary shard 1.47293 3.13587 1.66293 min
Cumulative flush time of primary shards 0.621 0.397217 -0.22378 min
Cumulative flush count of primary shards 47 60 13
Min cumulative flush time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Median cumulative flush time across primary shard 0 0 0 min
Max cumulative flush time across primary shard 0.1889 0.0899333 -0.09897 min
Total Young Gen GC 54.012 71.969 17.957 s
Total Old Gen GC 0 0 0 s
Store size 4.24047 4.22809 -0.01238 GB
Translog size 2.40747e-06 2.30502e-06 -0 GB
Heap used for segments 5.1609 5.21675 0.05584 MB
Heap used for doc values 0.0522842 0.0481834 -0.0041 MB
Heap used for terms 4.00005 4.04981 0.04976 MB
Heap used for norms 0.999756 1.0061 0.00635 MB
Heap used for points 0 0 0 MB
Heap used for stored fields 0.10881 0.112648 0.00384 MB
Segment count 116 125 9
Min Throughput index-append 18971.5 15480.2 -3491.27 docs/s
Median Throughput index-append 19613.4 16752 -2861.42 docs/s
Max Throughput index-append 21599 18835.7 -2763.28 docs/s
50th percentile latency index-append 1990.08 2030.67 40.5935 ms
90th percentile latency index-append 3050.82 4165.97 1115.15 ms
99th percentile latency index-append 5511.44 10020.8 4509.32 ms
99.9th percentile latency index-append 8382.47 10031 1648.57 ms
100th percentile latency index-append 9662.3 11910.5 2248.16 ms
50th percentile service time index-append 1990.08 2030.67 40.5935 ms
90th percentile service time index-append 3050.82 4165.97 1115.15 ms
99th percentile service time index-append 5511.44 10020.8 4509.32 ms
99.9th percentile service time index-append 8382.47 10031 1648.57 ms
100th percentile service time index-append 9662.3 11910.5 2248.16 ms
error rate index-append 0 1.73137 1.73137 %
Min Throughput index-stats 89.3298 79.6857 -9.64405 ops/s
Median Throughput index-stats 90.0046 80.9551 -9.04949 ops/s
Max Throughput index-stats 90.0103 81.3262 -8.6841 ops/s
50th percentile latency index-stats 10.3407 1195.52 1185.18 ms
90th percentile latency index-stats 80.1591 1716.25 1636.09 ms
99th percentile latency index-stats 125.782 1780.31 1654.52 ms
99.9th percentile latency index-stats 129.693 1851.95 1722.25 ms
100th percentile latency index-stats 129.877 1852.68 1722.81 ms
50th percentile service time index-stats 9.96605 11.245 1.27892 ms
90th percentile service time index-stats 10.7736 13.7292 2.95567 ms
99th percentile service time index-stats 16.4832 28.7574 12.2742 ms
99.9th percentile service time index-stats 31.6153 44.1489 12.5336 ms
100th percentile service time index-stats 43.1829 58.8923 15.7094 ms
error rate index-stats 0 0 0 %
Min Throughput node-stats 89.7481 89.9527 0.2046 ops/s
Median Throughput node-stats 90.0234 90.033 0.00961 ops/s
Max Throughput node-stats 90.0963 90.1385 0.04215 ops/s
50th percentile latency node-stats 8.85108 8.65525 -0.19583 ms
90th percentile latency node-stats 14.3524 22.8457 8.49329 ms
99th percentile latency node-stats 39.9747 68.807 28.8323 ms
99.9th percentile latency node-stats 44.6402 71.8553 27.2151 ms
100th percentile latency node-stats 45.8127 71.9392 26.1266 ms
50th percentile service time node-stats 8.65514 8.44211 -0.21302 ms
90th percentile service time node-stats 10.4082 9.72957 -0.67867 ms
99th percentile service time node-stats 14.7725 19.2796 4.50705 ms
99.9th percentile service time node-stats 19.4622 36.3948 16.9326 ms
100th percentile service time node-stats 25.9607 40.4492 14.4885 ms
error rate node-stats 0 0 0 %
Min Throughput default 50.0287 50.0252 -0.00349 ops/s
Median Throughput default 50.0427 50.038 -0.00469 ops/s
Max Throughput default 50.0826 50.0734 -0.00914 ops/s
50th percentile latency default 3.78699 5.27929 1.49231 ms
90th percentile latency default 4.19039 5.69106 1.50067 ms
99th percentile latency default 4.53085 6.6603 2.12945 ms
99.9th percentile latency default 7.5029 22.0683 14.5654 ms
100th percentile latency default 13.8228 25.1383 11.3155 ms
50th percentile service time default 3.62652 5.15328 1.52676 ms
90th percentile service time default 4.02954 5.56348 1.53393 ms
99th percentile service time default 4.34554 6.38167 2.03613 ms
99.9th percentile service time default 7.35338 21.9097 14.5563 ms
100th percentile service time default 13.6248 25.0042 11.3794 ms
error rate default 0 0 0 %
Min Throughput term 150.047 149.897 -0.15002 ops/s
Median Throughput term 150.068 150.048 -0.01996 ops/s
Max Throughput term 150.114 150.092 -0.02119 ops/s
50th percentile latency term 3.64499 4.25991 0.61492 ms
90th percentile latency term 3.93419 5.17598 1.24179 ms
99th percentile latency term 4.17554 44.6909 40.5154 ms
99.9th percentile latency term 4.6081 51.4464 46.8383 ms
100th percentile latency term 6.01615 53.842 47.8258 ms
50th percentile service time term 3.51837 4.10997 0.5916 ms
90th percentile service time term 3.7985 4.54831 0.74981 ms
99th percentile service time term 4.02394 10.0816 6.05767 ms
99.9th percentile service time term 4.39078 44.6731 40.2823 ms
100th percentile service time term 4.49472 44.8121 40.3174 ms
error rate term 0 0 0 %
Min Throughput phrase 149.917 134.432 -15.4848 ops/s
Median Throughput phrase 150.06 149.256 -0.80411 ops/s
Max Throughput phrase 150.113 150.035 -0.07838 ops/s
50th percentile latency phrase 3.98653 65.5715 61.585 ms
90th percentile latency phrase 5.44602 641.03 635.584 ms
99th percentile latency phrase 117.707 809.581 691.873 ms
99.9th percentile latency phrase 148.192 823.921 675.73 ms
100th percentile latency phrase 151.434 824.682 673.249 ms
50th percentile service time phrase 3.82098 4.99139 1.17041 ms
90th percentile service time phrase 4.22969 5.84338 1.61369 ms
99th percentile service time phrase 5.34298 13.7332 8.39021 ms
99.9th percentile service time phrase 28.8913 28.5791 -0.31212 ms
100th percentile service time phrase 33.3163 36.5089 3.19259 ms
error rate phrase 0 0 0 %
Min Throughput country_agg_uncached 1.63896 1.70719 0.06823 ops/s
Median Throughput country_agg_uncached 1.644 1.70985 0.06585 ops/s
Max Throughput country_agg_uncached 1.64939 1.71168 0.06229 ops/s
50th percentile latency country_agg_uncached 83059.4 77046.6 -6012.81 ms
90th percentile latency country_agg_uncached 95660.1 89258.8 -6401.24 ms
99th percentile latency country_agg_uncached 98504.3 91920.8 -6583.45 ms
100th percentile latency country_agg_uncached 98808.1 92210.7 -6597.42 ms
50th percentile service time country_agg_uncached 595.636 577.226 -18.4109 ms
90th percentile service time country_agg_uncached 604.755 588.722 -16.0327 ms
99th percentile service time country_agg_uncached 702.253 710.95 8.69667 ms
100th percentile service time country_agg_uncached 801.128 759.966 -41.162 ms
error rate country_agg_uncached 0 0 0 %
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