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Last active July 26, 2023 06:57
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Simple implementation of LSTM in Tensorflow in 50 lines (+ 130 lines of data generation and comments)
"""Short and sweet LSTM implementation in Tensorflow.
When Tensorflow was released, adding RNNs was a bit of a hack - it required
building separate graphs for every number of timesteps and was a bit obscure
to use. Since then TF devs added things like `dynamic_rnn`, `scan` and `map_fn`.
Currently the APIs are decent, but all the tutorials that I am aware of are not
making the best use of the new APIs.
Advantages of this implementation:
- No need to specify number of timesteps ahead of time. Number of timesteps is
infered from shape of input tensor. Can use the same graph for multiple
different numbers of timesteps.
- No need to specify batch size ahead of time. Batch size is infered from shape
of input tensor. Can use the same graph for multiple different batch sizes.
- Easy to swap out different recurrent gadgets (RNN, LSTM, GRU, your new
creative idea)
import numpy as np
import random
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.layers as layers
map_fn = tf.python.functional_ops.map_fn
## ##
## The problem we are trying to solve is adding two binary numbers. The ##
## numbers are reversed, so that the state of RNN can add the numbers ##
## perfectly provided it can learn to store carry in the state. Timestep t ##
## corresponds to bit len(number) - t. ##
def as_bytes(num, final_size):
res = []
for _ in range(final_size):
res.append(num % 2)
num //= 2
return res
def generate_example(num_bits):
a = random.randint(0, 2**(num_bits - 1) - 1)
b = random.randint(0, 2**(num_bits - 1) - 1)
res = a + b
return (as_bytes(a, num_bits),
as_bytes(b, num_bits),
def generate_batch(num_bits, batch_size):
"""Generates instance of a problem.
x: np.array
two numbers to be added represented by bits.
shape: b, i, n
b is bit index from the end
i is example idx in batch
n is one of [0,1] depending for first and
second summand respectively
y: np.array
the result of the addition
shape: b, i, n
b is bit index from the end
i is example idx in batch
n is always 0
x = np.empty((num_bits, batch_size, 2))
y = np.empty((num_bits, batch_size, 1))
for i in range(batch_size):
a, b, r = generate_example(num_bits)
x[:, i, 0] = a
x[:, i, 1] = b
y[:, i, 0] = r
return x, y
INPUT_SIZE = 2 # 2 bits per timestep
OUTPUT_SIZE = 1 # 1 bit per timestep
TINY = 1e-6 # to avoid NaNs in logs
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, None, INPUT_SIZE)) # (time, batch, in)
outputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, None, OUTPUT_SIZE)) # (time, batch, out)
## Here cell can be any function you want, provided it has two attributes:
# - cell.zero_state(batch_size, dtype)- tensor which is an initial value
# for state in __call__
# - cell.__call__(input, state) - function that given input and previous
# state returns tuple (output, state) where
# state is the state passed to the next
# timestep and output is the tensor used
# for infering the output at timestep. For
# example for LSTM, output is just hidden,
# but state is memory + hidden
# Example LSTM cell with learnable zero_state can be found here:
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(RNN_HIDDEN, state_is_tuple=True)
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicRNNCell(RNN_HIDDEN)
# Create initial state. Here it is just a constant tensor filled with zeros,
# but in principle it could be a learnable parameter. This is a bit tricky
# to do for LSTM's tuple state, but can be achieved by creating two vector
# Variables, which are then tiled along batch dimension and grouped into tuple.
batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[1]
initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)
# Given inputs (time, batch, input_size) outputs a tuple
# - outputs: (time, batch, output_size) [do not mistake with OUTPUT_SIZE]
# - states: (time, batch, hidden_size)
rnn_outputs, rnn_states = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, inputs, initial_state=initial_state, time_major=True)
# project output from rnn output size to OUTPUT_SIZE. Sometimes it is worth adding
# an extra layer here.
final_projection = lambda x: layers.linear(x, num_outputs=OUTPUT_SIZE, activation_fn=tf.nn.sigmoid)
# apply projection to every timestep.
predicted_outputs = map_fn(final_projection, rnn_outputs)
# compute elementwise cross entropy.
error = -(outputs * tf.log(predicted_outputs + TINY) + (1.0 - outputs) * tf.log(1.0 - predicted_outputs + TINY))
error = tf.reduce_mean(error)
# optimize
train_fn = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE).minimize(error)
# assuming that absolute difference between output and correct answer is 0.5
# or less we can round it to the correct output.
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(tf.abs(outputs - predicted_outputs) < 0.5, tf.float32))
valid_x, valid_y = generate_batch(num_bits=NUM_BITS, batch_size=100)
session = tf.Session()
# For some reason it is our job to do this:
for epoch in range(1000):
epoch_error = 0
for _ in range(ITERATIONS_PER_EPOCH):
# here train_fn is what triggers backprop. error and accuracy on their
# own do not trigger the backprop.
x, y = generate_batch(num_bits=NUM_BITS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE)
epoch_error +=[error, train_fn], {
inputs: x,
outputs: y,
valid_accuracy =, {
inputs: valid_x,
outputs: valid_y,
print "Epoch %d, train error: %.2f, valid accuracy: %.1f %%" % (epoch, epoch_error, valid_accuracy * 100.0)
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NHQ commented Apr 3, 2017

tf.nn.rnn_cell is now tf.contrib.rnn
and tf.python.functional_ops.map_fn is now tf.map_fn`

when I ran the program, I got the following for every epoch, until I killed it:

train error: 0.00, valid accuracy: 100.0 %

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How can I print something like "input" -> "output"?

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griver commented Apr 15, 2017

I'm not sure about stacking up the final layer via map_fn:
predicted_outputs = map_fn(final_projection, rnn_outputs)

Doesn't this create separate weights and biases for each timestep?

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I have similar concerns as @griver, can you comment on this?

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It was very helpful for me to understand LSTM, better than official Tensorflow tutorial mixing it with language processing. I appreciate it.

@giver yes, it creates another weight and bias that are necessary. rnn_outputs have 20 (=RNN_HIDDEN) nodes at the end (full dimension of rnn_outputs is [10, 25, 20]) and it is needed to be converted to 1 output node, so we need one more layer to convert.

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pbcquoc commented May 17, 2017

@griver, i think it is wrong if we are not share weights of the final layer

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mcemilg commented Nov 16, 2017

As @NHQ said at line 26 is old. Now it needs to be used this way map_fn = tf.map_fn.

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mrmrn commented Mar 4, 2018

I have dataest that contains 3 valuse for example (x,y) and z that is a function from (x,y) ==> z=function(x,y)
and a test set contains (x,y)
how can I use my data in this model?

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ghost commented Jul 13, 2018

What if the batch size in the training and development dataset is different?

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