module MyList where
data MyList a = Cons a (MyList a)
| MyNil deriving (Show, Eq)
myHead :: MyList a -> a
myHead l = case l of
Cons a _ -> a
myTail :: MyList a -> MyList a
myTail MyNil = MyNil
myTail l = case l of
Cons _ a -> a
myIndex :: Int -> MyList a -> a
myIndex 0 xs = myHead xs
myIndex x xs = myHead (myIndexTail x xs)
myIndexTail 0 xs = xs
myIndexTail i xs = myIndexTail (i-1) (myTail xs)
myLength :: MyList a -> Int
myLength MyNil = 0
myLength xs = 1 + (myLength (myTail xs))
myLast :: MyList a -> a
myLast (Cons a MyNil) = a
myLast l = myLast (myTail l)
myInsert :: a -> MyList a -> MyList a
myInsert x xs = Cons x xs
myConcat :: MyList a -> MyList a -> MyList a
myConcat (Cons a MyNil) bs = Cons a bs
myConcat as bs = myInsert (myHead as) (myConcat (myTail as) bs)
myAppend :: a -> MyList a -> MyList a
myAppend x (Cons a MyNil) = Cons a (Cons x MyNil)
myAppend x xs = myInsert (myHead xs) (myAppend x (myTail xs))
myToList :: MyList a -> [a]
myToList MyNil = []
myToList (Cons a l) = a:(myToList l)
myFromList :: [a] -> MyList a
myFromList [] = MyNil
myFromList l = Cons (head l) (myFromList (tail l))
myMapList :: (t -> a) -> MyList t -> MyList a
myMapList f (Cons x MyNil) = Cons (f x) MyNil
myMapList f l = Cons (f (myHead l)) (myMapList f (myTail l))
A simple linked list module
Some examples:
mylist = (Cons 10 (Cons 99 (Cons 11 (Cons 1 MyNil))))
myHead myList # => 10
myTail myList # => Cons 99 (Cons 11 (Cons 1 MyNil))
myLength myList # => 4
myToList myList # => [10,99,11,1]
myFromList [10,99,11,1] # => (Cons 10 (Cons 99 (Cons 11 (Cons 1 MyNil))))
myIndex 2 myList # => 11
myMapList (\x -> x*x) myList # => Cons 100 (Cons 9801 (Cons 121 (Cons 1 MyNil)))
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
template<typename T>
struct Node
T data;
Node* next;
template<typename T>
class LinkedList
Node<T>* m_head{nullptr};
constexpr LinkedList() = default;
[[nodiscard]] std::string toString() const;
template<typename K>
constexpr void insertFirst(const K& value);
void insertFirst(const T& value);
template<typename K>
constexpr void insertLast(const K& value);
void insertLast(const T& value);
void removeFirst();
[[nodiscard]] bool isEmpty() const { return m_head == nullptr; };
void removeLast();
[[nodiscard]] size_t size() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const LinkedList& list)
stream << list.toString();
return stream;
template<typename T>
if (m_head != nullptr)
auto node = m_head->next;
while (node != nullptr)
auto next = node->next;
delete node;
node = next;
m_head = nullptr;
template<typename T>
template<typename K>
constexpr void LinkedList<T>::insertFirst(const K& value)
template<typename T>
template<typename K>
constexpr void LinkedList<T>::insertLast(const K& value)
template<typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::insertFirst(const T& value)
auto node = new Node<T>();
node->data = value;
if (m_head == nullptr)
m_head = node;
m_head->next = nullptr;
auto temp = m_head;
m_head = node;
m_head->next = temp;
template<typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::insertLast(const T& value)
auto node = new Node<T>();
node->data = value;
node->next = nullptr;
if (m_head == nullptr)
m_head = node;
auto temp = m_head;
while (temp->next != nullptr)
temp = temp->next;
node->next = nullptr;
temp->next = node;
template<typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::removeFirst()
if (m_head == nullptr)
m_head = m_head->next;
template<typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::removeLast()
if (m_head == nullptr)
if (m_head->next == nullptr)
delete m_head;
auto node = m_head;
while (node->next->next != nullptr)
node = node->next;
delete node->next;
node->next = nullptr;
template<typename T>
size_t LinkedList<T>::size() const
auto node = m_head;
size_t counter = 0;
while (node != nullptr)
node = node->next;
return counter;
template<typename T>
std::string LinkedList<T>::toString() const
std::stringstream stream;
auto node = m_head;
if (node != nullptr)
while (node != nullptr)
stream << node->data << " -> ";
node = node->next;
stream << "NULL";
return stream.str();
using LinkedListf = LinkedList<float>;
using LinkedListd = LinkedList<double>;
using LinkedListi = LinkedList<int32_t>;
using LinkedListui = LinkedList<uint32_t>;