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""""""""""""""""""""""""" BEGIN VUNDLE # nevermind i will not use vindle | |
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required | |
filetype off " required | |
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
call vundle#begin() | |
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins | |
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here') | |
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required | |
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' | |
" now plugins: | |
" Plugin 'beautify-web/js-beautify' | |
Plugin 'LaTex-Suite-aka-Vim-LaTex' | |
call vundle#end() " required | |
filetype plugin indent on " required | |
""""""""""""""""""""""""" END VUNDLE | |
" An example for a vimrc file. | |
" | |
" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <[email protected]> | |
" Last change: 2017 Sep 20 | |
" | |
" To use it, copy it to | |
" for Unix and OS/2: ~/.vimrc | |
" for Amiga: s:.vimrc | |
" for MS-DOS and Win32: $VIM\_vimrc | |
" for OpenVMS: sys$login:.vimrc | |
" When started as "evim", evim.vim will already have done these settings. | |
if v:progname =~? "evim" | |
finish | |
endif | |
" Get the defaults that most users want. | |
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim | |
if has("vms") | |
set nobackup " do not keep a backup file, use versions instead | |
else | |
set backup " keep a backup file (restore to previous version) | |
if has('persistent_undo') | |
set undofile " keep an undo file (undo changes after closing) | |
endif | |
endif | |
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running") | |
" Switch on highlighting the last used search pattern. | |
set hlsearch | |
endif | |
" Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands. | |
if has("autocmd") | |
" Put these in an autocmd group, so that we can delete them easily. | |
augroup vimrcEx | |
au! | |
" For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters. | |
autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78 | |
augroup END | |
else | |
set autoindent " always set autoindenting on | |
endif " has("autocmd") | |
" Add optional packages. | |
" | |
" The matchit plugin makes the % command work better, but it is not backwards | |
" compatible. | |
" The ! means the package won't be loaded right away but when plugins are | |
" loaded during initialization. | |
if has('syntax') && has('eval') | |
packadd! matchit | |
endif | |
set tabstop=2 | |
set shiftwidth=2 | |
set backupdir=.backup/,~/.backup/,/tmp// | |
set directory=.swp/,~/.swp/,/tmp// | |
set undodir=.undo/,~/.undo/,/tmp// | |
function! TextEnableCodeSnip(filetype,start,end,textSnipHl) abort | |
let ft=toupper(a:filetype) | |
let group='textGroup'.ft | |
if exists('b:current_syntax') | |
let s:current_syntax=b:current_syntax | |
" Remove current syntax definition, as some syntax files (e.g. cpp.vim) | |
" do nothing if b:current_syntax is defined. | |
unlet b:current_syntax | |
endif | |
execute 'syntax include @'.group.' syntax/'.a:filetype.'.vim' | |
try | |
execute 'syntax include @'.group.' after/syntax/'.a:filetype.'.vim' | |
catch | |
endtry | |
if exists('s:current_syntax') | |
let b:current_syntax=s:current_syntax | |
else | |
unlet b:current_syntax | |
endif | |
execute 'syntax region textSnip'.ft.' | |
\ matchgroup='.a:textSnipHl.' | |
\ keepend | |
\ start="'.a:start.'" end="'.a:end.'" | |
\ contains=@'.group | |
endfunction | |
call TextEnableCodeSnip('javascript', '@begin=js@', '@end=js@', 'comment') | |
call TextEnableCodeSnip('html', '@begin=html@', '@end=html@', 'comment') | |
call TextEnableCodeSnip('html', '<!DOCTYPE html>', '</html>', 'comment') | |
syn sync fromstart | |
function OnWrite() | |
" echom fnamemodify(expand("%:p"), ":r") | |
if (&ft == 'tex' && match(readfile(expand("%:p")), "do-vimlatex-onwrite")!=-1) | |
:silent !~/projects/doc/ %:p:r > stdout.log 2> stderr.log & | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
function OnRead() | |
if (&ft == 'tex') | |
setl nocin nosi inde= | |
" :silent !firefox %:p:r.pdf & | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
function OnMekiC() | |
:silent !firefox %:p:r.pdf > /dev/null 2>&1 & | |
:redraw! | |
endfunction | |
autocmd BufWritePost * call OnWrite() | |
autocmd BufReadPost,FileReadPost * call OnRead() | |
nnoremap ć :call OnMekiC()<CR><LF> | |
set breakindent | |
function TurnWrapOn() | |
setlocal wrap linebreak nolist | |
set virtualedit= | |
setlocal display+=lastline | |
noremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> gk | |
noremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> gj | |
noremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> g<Home> | |
noremap <buffer> <silent> <End> g<End> | |
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Up> <C-o>gk | |
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Down> <C-o>gj | |
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Home> <C-o>g<Home> | |
inoremap <buffer> <silent> <End> <C-o>g<End> | |
endfunction | |
call TurnWrapOn() | |
noremap <silent> <Leader>w :call ToggleWrap()<CR> | |
function ToggleWrap() | |
if &wrap | |
echo "Wrap OFF" | |
setlocal nowrap | |
set virtualedit=all | |
silent! nunmap <buffer> <Up> | |
silent! nunmap <buffer> <Down> | |
silent! nunmap <buffer> <Home> | |
silent! nunmap <buffer> <End> | |
silent! iunmap <buffer> <Up> | |
silent! iunmap <buffer> <Down> | |
silent! iunmap <buffer> <Home> | |
silent! iunmap <buffer> <End> | |
else | |
echo "Wrap ON" | |
call TurnWrapOn() | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
"""""" vim-tex | |
let g:Imap_UsePlaceHolders = 0 | |
let g:Tex_SmartKeyBS = 0 | |
let g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote = 0 | |
let g:Tex_SmartKeyDot = 0 | |
let g:Tex_Leader = '`tex' | |
let g:Tex_Leader2 = ',tex' | |
let g:Imap_FreezeImap=1 | |
" cross terminal copy | |
set clipboard=unnamedplus |
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