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Created December 11, 2014 23:55
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telnet superscript example
// Run this and then telnet to localhost:2000 and chat with the bot
var net = require("net");
var superscript = require("superscript");
var debug = require('debug')("Server");
var options = {};
var facts = require("sfacts");
var factSystem = facts.explore("britfacts");
// New FactSystem
options.factSystem = factSystem;
var sockets = [];
var botHandle = function(err, bot) {
// Sometimes the Bot will just reply to the user
// We need to handle that event.
bot.on("message", function(socketName, botReply) {
for (var i = 0; i < sockets.length; i++) {
if (sockets[i].name === socketName) {
sockets[i].write("\nBot> " + botReply + "\n");
sockets[i].write("You> ");
var receiveData = function(socket, bot, data) {
// Handle incoming messages.
debug("Message", data.toString('hex',0,data.length));
var message = "" + data;
message = message.replace(/[\x0D\x0A]/g, "");
if (message.indexOf("/quit") == 0 || data.toString('hex',0,data.length) === "fff4fffd06") {
bot.reply(, message.trim(), function(err, reply){
// Find the right socket
var i = sockets.indexOf(socket);
var soc = sockets[i];
soc.write("\nBot> " + reply + "\n");
soc.write("You> ");
// Log it for the server terminal to see!
debug("[" + + "] " + message);
debug("[Bot] " + reply + "\n");
var closeSocket = function(socket, bot) {
var i = sockets.indexOf(socket);
var soc = sockets[i];
console.log("User '" + + "' has disconnected.\n");
if (i != -1) {
sockets.splice(i, 1);
var newSocket = function (socket) { = socket.remoteAddress + ":" + socket.remotePort;
console.log("User '" + + "' has connected.\n");
// Send a welcome message.
socket.write('Welcome to the Telnet server!\n');
socket.write("Hello " + + "! " + "Type /quit to disconnect.\n\n");
// Send their prompt.
socket.write("You> ");
socket.on('data', function(data) {
receiveData(socket, bot, data);
// Handle disconnects.
socket.on('end', function() {
closeSocket(socket, bot);
// Start the TCP server.
var server = net.createServer(newSocket);
console.log("TCP server running on port 2000.\n");
// This assumes the topics have been compiled to data.json first
// See superscript/bin/parse for information on how to do that.
// Main entry point
new superscript('./data.json', options, function(err, botInstance){
botHandle(null, botInstance);
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