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Last active March 21, 2024 02:59
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Save silgon/762674d94ce32b940bda to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get distance and angle of the closest obstacle from pose and map
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h>
#include <tf/tf.h>
#include <tf/transform_listener.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
// some definitions of functions
#define MAP_INDEX(map, i, j) ((i) + (j) * map.size_x)
#define MAP_WXGX(map, i) (map.origin_x + (i - map.size_x / 2) * map.scale)
#define MAP_WYGY(map, j) (map.origin_y + (j - map.size_y / 2) * map.scale)
// information of the map
struct map_inf {
double size_x;
double size_y;
double scale;
double origin_x;
double origin_y;
std::pair<double, double> poseToMap(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped & pt,
nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid & map){
std::pair<double, double> result(0,0);
// remapping information in info variable
map_inf map_info;
map_info.size_x =;
map_info.size_y =;
map_info.scale =;
map_info.origin_x = + (map_info.size_x / 2) * map_info.scale;
map_info.origin_y = + (map_info.size_y / 2) * map_info.scale;
// map (world reference)
double gt_x =;
double gt_y =;
tf::TransformListener tf_l(ros::Duration(10));
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped new_pt;
bool success = false;
// next line to avoid tf extrapolation into the past (not good code)
map.header.stamp = pt.header.stamp = ros::Time(0);
// transform in case the pose to evaluate and the point are not in the same
// reference frame
pt.header.frame_id, ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(1));
tf_l.transformPose(map.header.frame_id, pt, new_pt);
catch (tf::TransformException ex){
// robot in map frame reference
double pt_x = new_pt.pose.position.x;
double pt_y = new_pt.pose.position.y;
double pt_th = tf::getYaw(new_pt.pose.orientation);
// variables to keep the distance
double dist_sq, min_dist = 100000;
double w_x, w_y; // world cordinates
double d_x, d_y; // saved world cordinates
ros::Time start = ros::Time::now();
// more efficient first with heigh and then width because map information
// is in row-major order
for (std::size_t j=0; j < map_info.size_y; j++) {
for (std::size_t i=0; i < map_info.size_x; i++) {
if([MAP_INDEX(map_info, i, j)]==100){
// convert to world position
w_x = MAP_WXGX(map_info, i);
w_y = MAP_WYGY(map_info, j);
dist_sq = pow(w_x-pt_x,2)+pow(w_y-pt_y,2);
if (dist_sq<min_dist){
min_dist = dist_sq;
d_x = w_x;
d_y = w_y;
min_dist = sqrt(min_dist);
// given the position of the obstacle, get the angle in the robot reference
double angle;
angle = std::atan2(d_y-pt_y, d_x-pt_x)-pt_th;
// debug information
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Finding in "<< ros::Time::now()-start<<"s");
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Min. Distance and angle: "<< min_dist << "," <<angle*180/M_PI);
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Robot is at position "<< pt_x <<","<<pt_y<<","<<pt_th*180/M_PI);
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("Obstacle is at position "<< d_x <<","<<d_y);
result = std::make_pair(min_dist, angle);
return result;
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arkinrc commented May 21, 2019

hello mr. silgon, its really nice work. however, i got an error while compiling this code. the error is about no matching function for call to 'ros::NodeHandle::subscribe(const char [14], int, std::pair<double, double> (&)(geometry_msgs::PoseStamped&, nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid&))' . please see the error message picture below. looking forward to your guidance. thanks ..


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