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* Binary Tree
* Binary Search Tree
* AVL Tree
* All in pure Javascript, ES6 classes and with inheritance.
* The goal of this file is to experiment with, and to showcase OOPs
* with ES6
* Starting with implementing a simple binary tree, we move on to a binary
* search tree (which inherits from the original binary tree); Later an AVL
* tree, which inherits from the binary-search-tree is added.
* NOTE: only 'insertion' is implemented; and the traversal is a very
* simplistic inorder traversal
* A simple binary tree class.
* As for 'insertion', a random side is chosen to go to
* Also, note that the insert method returns a tree. It is designed so, to
* make sure that in future versions, the tree might re-arrange itself, and
* the root being returned might be different. So, an insert might be capable
* of changing the tree (at least from an external perspective). Hence, the
* insert syntax will be `tree = tree.insert(value)`
* Another point to note is the `selfClone` which returns a base version of
* the same type. This is what will be overridden by the derived classes
class BinaryTree {
constructor(value) { = value;
this.left = undefined;
this.right = undefined;
leftOrRight(nodeValue, newValue) {
return Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'left' : 'right';
selfClone(value) {
return new BinaryTree(value);
// NOTE: see the remark above the class definition to see why insert
// returns a tree.
insert(value) {
if ( === undefined) { = value;
return this;
const direction = this.leftOrRight(, value);
if (direction === 'left') {
if (this.left === undefined) {
this.left = this.selfClone(value);
} else {
this.left = this.left.insert(value);
return this;
if (this.right === undefined) {
this.right = this.selfClone(value);
} else {
this.right = this.right.insert(value);
return this;
toString() {
if ( === undefined) {
return '"null"';
const lhs = this.left ? this.left.toString() : '';
const rhs = this.right ? this.right.toString() : '';
return [ lhs,, rhs ].map(String).filter(Boolean).join(', ');
height() {
return Math.max(this.lHeight(), this.rHeight()) + 1;
lHeight() {
return this.left ? this.left.height() : 0;
rHeight() {
return this.right ? this.right.height() : 0;
* TODO -- level print.
* For pseudocode, see:
* (well, code in Ruby)
*------------ (ss@03/18/2018) */
* Only the choice of left/right is the only distinguishing feature of a BST
* from a binary tree.
* And, obviously, a selfClone will have to return a BST
class BinarySearchTree extends BinaryTree {
leftOrRight(nodeValue, newValue) {
return nodeValue > newValue ? 'left' : 'right';
selfClone(value) {
return new BinarySearchTree(value);
* We need a balancing act.
* For that, see the overridden insert: We use super.insert() for the actual
* insert, and then balance the updated tree, and return it. Nothing fancy,
* but easy to overlook
class AVLTree extends BinarySearchTree {
selfClone(value) {
return new AVLTree(value);
imbalance() {
return this.lHeight() - this.rHeight();
rlRotate() {
this.left = this.left.rRotate();
return this.lRotate();
lrRotate() {
this.right = this.right.lRotate();
return this.rRotate();
lRotate() {
if (!this.left) {
return this;
const pullUp = this.left;
this.left = pullUp.right;
pullUp.right = this;
return pullUp;
rRotate() {
if (!this.right) {
return this;
const pullUp = this.right;
this.right = pullUp.left;
pullUp.left = this;
return pullUp;
balance() {
const diff = this.imbalance();
if (Math.abs(diff) < 2) {
return this;
if (diff < 0) {
if (this.right.imbalance() === 1) {
return this.lrRotate();
return this.rRotate();
if (this.left.imbalance() === -1) {
return this.rlRotate();
return this.lRotate();
// NOTE: See the remark above the class definition
insert(value) {
return super.insert(value).balance();
// Binary Tree test -- (ss@03/18/2018) --
const bTree = new BinaryTree(0).insert(1).insert(2).insert(3).insert(4)
console.log(bTree.height()); // will mostly be 5, or close enough -- 5 levels
console.log(bTree.toString()); // something like: 16, 15, 3, 1, 13, 9, 11, 7, 0, 12, 5, 2, 6, 14, 4, 10, 8
// Binary Search Tree test -- (ss@03/18/2018) --
const bstree = new BinarySearchTree(0).insert(1).insert(2).insert(3).insert(4)
console.log(bstree.height()); // will be 12 levels
console.log(bstree.toString()); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
// AVL Tree test -- (ss@03/18/2018) --
const avltree = new AVLTree(0).insert(1).insert(2).insert(3).insert(4)
console.log(avltree.height()); // always 5 levels
console.log(avltree.toString()); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
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