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Last active September 3, 2022 04:03
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Implementation of Simplex method using python.
# Simplex method
# Author: HongXin
# 2016.11.17
import numpy as np
def xlpsol(c, A, b):
Solve linear programming problem with the follow format:
min c^Tx
s.t. Ax <= b
x >= 0
(c^T means transpose of the vector c)
:return: x - optimal solution, opt - optimal objective value
(B, T) = __init(c, A, b)
(m, n) = T.shape
opt = -T[0, 0] # -T[0, 0] is exactly the optimal value!
v_c = T[0, 1:]
v_b = T[1:, 0]
v_A = T[1:,1:]
while True:
if all(T[0, 1:] >= 0): # c >= 0
# just get optimal solution by manipulating index and value
x = map(lambda t: T[B.index(t) + 1, 0] if t in B else 0,
range(0, n - 1))
return x, opt
# choose fist element of v_c smaller than 0
e = next(x for x in v_c if x < 0)
delta = map(lambda i: v_b[i]/v_A[i, e] , range(0, m-1))
def __init(c, A, b):
0 c 0
b A I
# transfer to vector and matrix
(c, A, b) = map(lambda t: np.array(t), [c, A, b])
[m, n] = A.shape
if m != b.size:
print('The size of b must equal with the row of A!')
if n != c.size:
print('The size of c must equal with the column of A!')
part_1 = np.vstack((0, b.reshape(b.size, 1)))
part_2 = np.vstack((c, A))
part_3 = np.vstack((np.zeros(m), np.identity(m)))
return range(n, n + m), np.hstack((np.hstack((part_1, part_2)), part_3))
def __pivot():
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = [-1, -14, -6]
A = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 3, 1]]
b = [4, 2, 3, 6]
[x, opt] = xlpsol(c, A, b)
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