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Created October 22, 2024 17:56
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Databricks access_token
# the auth is handled via azure cli
# you need to issue `az login` and set the sub name|id where the ws is attached.
import cmd
import uuid, hashlib, base64
def generate_codes():
# Generate a UUID.
uuid1 = uuid.uuid4()
# Convert the UUID to a string.
uuid_str1 = str(uuid1).upper()
# Create the code verifier.
code_verifier = uuid_str1 + "-" + uuid_str1
# Create the code challenge based on the code verifier.
code_challenge = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hashlib.sha256(code_verifier.encode()).digest()).decode('utf-8')
# Remove all padding from the code challenge.
code_challenge = code_challenge.replace('=', '')
# Print the code verifier and the code challenge.
# Use these in your calls to manually generate
# access tokens for OAuth U2M authentication.
# print(f"code_verifier: {code_verifier}")
# print(f"code_challenge: {code_challenge}")
return code_verifier, code_challenge
def build_authorization_code_url(workspace_url, code_challenge, redirect_url='http://localhost:8020', state_str='databricks-cli'):
return f"https://{workspace_url}/oidc/v1/authorize?client_id=databricks-cli&redirect_uri={redirect_url}&response_type=code&state={state_str}&code_challenge={code_challenge}&code_challenge_method=S256&scope=all-apis+offline_access"
def build_access_token_url(workspace_url, authorization_code, code_verifier, redirect_url='http://localhost:8020'):
return f'curl --request POST https://{workspace_url}/oidc/v1/token --data "client_id=databricks-cli" --data "grant_type=authorization_code" --data "scope=all-apis offline_access" --data "redirect_uri={redirect_url}" --data "code_verifier={code_verifier}" --data "code={authorization_code}"'
class DatabricksCmd(cmd.Cmd):
intro = 'This program obtains an access token from Databricks. Type help or ? to list commands'
prompt = '(db-cli) '
workspace_url = None
redirect_url = 'http://localhost:8020'
state_str = 'databricks-cli'
code_verifier, code_challenge = generate_codes()
def do_set_host_url(self, arg):
""" Set the host url - Can be account or workspace """
self.workspace_url = arg
def do_get_settings(self, arg):
""" Print current host """
def do_get_authorization_code_url(self, arg):
""" Constructs an authorization url that
you can paste in your browser to obtain the authorization code.
print(build_authorization_code_url(self.workspace_url, self.code_challenge))
def do_get_authentication_token_url(self, arg):
""" Constructs url to obtain access token
Paste in the authorization code obtain from browser.
The code starts with 'dcod*'.
authorization_code = arg # TODO validate it starts with dc
print(build_access_token_url(self.workspace_url, authorization_code, self.code_verifier))
def do_bye(self, arg):
'Close this program.'
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
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