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Last active March 5, 2020 14:13
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use rstd::prelude::*;
use support::{decl_module, decl_storage, decl_event, StorageValue, StorageMap, ensure, dispatch::Result, Parameter};
use parity_codec::{Encode, Decode, Codec};
use runtime_primitives::traits::{As, Member, SimpleArithmetic, MaybeDebug, MaybeSerializeDebug};
use rstd::collections::btree_map::BTreeMap;
use {timestamp};
use system::{self, ensure_signed};
pub const MIN_SPACE_OWNERS: u16 = 1;
pub const MAX_SPACE_OWNERS: u16 = u16::MAX;
pub const MAX_TX_NOTES_LEN: u16 = 1024;
pub const MSG_SPACE_NOT_FOUND: &str = "Space not found by id";
pub const MSG_TX_NOT_FOUND: &str = "Transaction not found in a space owners";
pub const MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_OWNERS: &str = "There can not be less owners than allowed";
pub const MSG_TOO_MANY_OWNERS: &str = "There can not be more owners than allowed";
pub const MSG_NOT_A_SPACE_OWNER: &str = "Account is not a space owner";
pub const MSG_THRESHOLD_CANNOT_BE_ZERO: &str = "The threshold can not be less than 1";
pub const MSG_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDS_OWNERS: &str = "The required confirmation count can not be greater than owners count";
pub const MSG_TX_NOTES_GREATER_THAN_ALLOWED: &str = "Transaction notes are too long";
pub const MSG_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_CONFIRMED_TX: &str = "Account has already confirmed this transaction";
pub const MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_CONFIRMS_ON_TX: &str = "There are not enough confirmations on a transaction";
pub const MSG_TX_ALREADY_EXECUTED: &str = "Transaction is already executed";
pub const MSG_TX_NOT_TIED_TO_SPACE: &str = "Transaction is not tied to an owed wallet";
pub const MSG_OVERFLOW_SUBMITTING_TX: &str = "Overflow in Wallet pending tx counter when submitting tx";
pub const MSG_UNDERFLOW_EXECUTING_TX: &str = "Underflow in Wallet pending tx counter when executing tx";
pub const MSG_OVERFLOW_EXECUTING_TX: &str = "Overflow in Wallet executed tx counter when executing tx";
type SpaceId = u64;
type TransactionId = u64;
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct UpdatedAt<T: Trait> {
block: T::BlockNumber,
time: T::Moment,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct SpaceOwners<T: Trait> {
pub updated_at: UpdatedAt<T>,
pub space_id: SpaceId,
pub owners: Vec<T::AccountId>,
pub threshold: u16,
pub pending_tx_count: u16,
pub executed_tx_count: u64,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Debug))]
#[derive(Clone, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct Transaction<T: Trait> {
pub updated_at: UpdatedAt<T>,
pub id: T::TransactionId,
pub add_owners: Vec<T::AccountId>,
pub remove_owners: Vec<T::AccountId>,
pub new_threshold: Option<u16>,
pub notes: Vec<u8>,
pub confirmed_by: Vec<T::AccountId>
pub trait Trait: system::Trait + timestamp::Trait + MaybeDebug {
type Event: From<Event<Self>> + Into<<Self as system::Trait>::Event>;
decl_storage! {
trait Store for Module<T: Trait> as MultisigWalletModule {
MinSpaceOwners get(min_space_owners): u16 = MIN_SPACE_OWNERS;
MaxSpaceOwners get(max_space_owners): u16 = MAX_SPACE_OWNERS;
MaxTxNotesLen get(max_tx_notes_len): u16 = MAX_TX_NOTES_LEN;
SpaceOwnersBySpaceById get(space_by_id): map T::AccountId => Option<SpaceOwners<T>>;
SpaceIdsOwnedByAccountId get(space_ids_owned_by_account_id): map T::AccountId => Vec<SpaceId>;
NextTxId get(next_tx_id): T::TransactionId = T::TransactionId::sa(1);
TxById get(tx_by_id): map T::TransactionId => Option<Transaction<T>>;
PendingTxIdsBySpaceId get(pending_tx_ids_by_space_id): map T::AccountId => Vec<T::TransactionId>;
ExecutedTxIdsBySpaceId get(executed_tx_ids_by_space_id): map T::AccountId => Vec<T::TransactionId>;
pub enum Event<T> where
<T as system::Trait>::AccountId,
<T as Trait>::TransactionId
SpaceOwnersCreated(AccountId, SpaceId),
UpdateProposed(AccountId, SpaceId, TransactionId),
UpdateConfirmed(AccountId, SpaceId, TransactionId),
SpaceOwnersUpdated(AccountId, SpaceId, TransactionId),
decl_module! {
pub struct Module<T: Trait> for enum Call where origin: T::Origin {
fn deposit_event<T>() = default;
pub fn create_space_owners(
space_id: SpaceId,
owners: Vec<T::AccountId>,
threshold: u16
) -> Result {
let creator = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let mut owners_map: BTreeMap<T::AccountId, bool> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut wallet_owners: Vec<T::AccountId> = vec![];
for owner in owners.iter() {
if !owners_map.contains_key(&owner) {
owners_map.insert(owner.clone(), true);
let owners_count = wallet_owners.len() as u16;
ensure!(owners_count >= Self::min_space_owners(), MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_OWNERS);
ensure!(owners_count <= Self::max_space_owners(), MSG_TOO_MANY_OWNERS);
ensure!(threshold <= owners_count, MSG_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDS_OWNERS);
ensure!(threshold > 0, MSG_THRESHOLD_CANNOT_BE_ZERO);
let new_wallet = SpaceOwners {
updated_at: Self::new_updated_at(),
space_id: space_id.clone(),
owners: wallet_owners.clone(),
pending_tx_count: 0,
executed_tx_count: 0
<SpaceOwnersBySpaceById<T>>::insert(space_id.clone(), new_wallet);
for owner in wallet_owners.iter() {
<SpaceIdsOwnedByAccountId<T>>::mutate(owner.clone(), |ids| ids.push(space_id.clone()));
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::SpaceOwnersCreated(creator, space_id));
pub fn propose_change(
space_id: SpaceId,
add_owners: Vec<T::AccountId>,
remove_owners: Vec<T::AccountId>,
new_threshold: Option<u16>,
notes: Vec<u8>
) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
ensure!(notes.len() <= Self::max_tx_notes_len() as usize, MSG_TX_NOTES_GREATER_THAN_ALLOWED);
let mut space = Self::space_by_id(space_id.clone()).ok_or(MSG_SPACE_NOT_FOUND)?;
space.pending_tx_count = space.pending_tx_count.checked_add(1).ok_or(MSG_OVERFLOW_SUBMITTING_TX)?;
let is_space_owner = space.owners.iter().any(|owner| *owner == sender.clone());
ensure!(is_space_owner, MSG_NOT_A_SPACE_OWNER);
// TODO ensure: get current space owners then add_owners then remove_owners, then check that a result is not empty Vec.
let tx_id = Self::next_tx_id();
let ref mut new_tx = Transaction {
updated_at: Self::new_updated_at(),
id: tx_id,
add_owners: add_owners,
remove_owners: remove_owners,
new_threshold: new_threshold,
confirmed_by: vec![],
executed: false
<SpaceOwnersBySpaceById<T>>::insert(space_id.clone(), space);
<TxById<T>>::insert(tx_id, new_tx);
<PendingTxIdsBySpaceId<T>>::mutate(space_id.clone(), |ids| ids.push(tx_id));
<NextTxId<T>>::mutate(|n| { *n += T::TransactionId::sa(1); });
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::UpdateProposed(sender, space_id, tx_id));
pub fn confirm_change(origin, space_id: SpaceId, tx_id: T::TransactionId) -> Result {
let sender = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let space = Self::space_by_id(space_id.clone()).ok_or(MSG_SPACE_NOT_FOUND)?;
let is_space_owner = space.owners.iter().any(|owner| *owner == sender.clone());
ensure!(is_space_owner, MSG_NOT_A_SPACE_OWNER);
let mut tx = Self::tx_by_id(tx_id).ok_or(MSG_TX_NOT_FOUND)?;
let txs = Self::pending_tx_ids_by_space_id(space_id.clone());
ensure!(txs.iter().any(|ids| *ids == tx_id), MSG_TX_NOT_TIED_TO_SPACE);
let sender_not_confirmed_yet = !tx.confirmed_by.iter().any(|account| *account == sender.clone());
ensure!(sender_not_confirmed_yet, MSG_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_CONFIRMED_TX);
if tx.confirmed_by.len() == space.threshold as usize {
Self::update_space_owners(sender.clone(), space.clone(), tx.clone())?;
} else {
<TxById<T>>::insert(tx_id, tx);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::UpdateConfirmed(sender, space_id, tx_id));
impl<T: Trait> Module<T> {
fn vec_remove_on<F: PartialEq>(vector: &mut Vec<F>, element: F) {
if let Some(index) = vector.iter().position(|x| *x == element) {
fn new_updated_at() -> UpdatedAt<T> {
UpdatedAt {
block: <system::Module<T>>::block_number(),
time: <timestamp::Module<T>>::now(),
fn update_space_owners(executer: T::AccountId, mut space: SpaceOwners<T>, mut tx: Transaction<T>) -> Result {
let space_id =;
let tx_id =;
ensure!(tx.confirmed_by.len() >= space.threshold as usize, MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_CONFIRMS_ON_TX);
// TODO set new space owners here!
// TODO add or remove space from list of spaces by account that is added or removed
// <SpaceIdsOwnedByAccountId<T>>::mutate(owner.clone(), |ids| ids.push(space_id.clone())); // or add or remove space id
tx.executed = true;
space.pending_tx_count = space.pending_tx_count.checked_sub(1).ok_or(MSG_UNDERFLOW_EXECUTING_TX)?;
space.executed_tx_count = space.executed_tx_count.checked_add(1).ok_or(MSG_OVERFLOW_EXECUTING_TX)?;
Self::change_tx_from_pending_to_executed(space_id.clone(), tx_id)?;
<SpaceOwnersBySpaceById<T>>::insert(space_id.clone(), space);
<TxById<T>>::insert(tx_id, tx);
Self::deposit_event(RawEvent::SpaceOwnersUpdated(executer, space_id, tx_id));
fn change_tx_from_pending_to_executed(space_id: SpaceId, tx_id: T::TransactionId) -> Result {
ensure!(Self::space_by_id(space_id.clone()).is_some(), MSG_SPACE_NOT_FOUND);
ensure!(Self::tx_by_id(tx_id).is_some(), MSG_TX_NOT_FOUND);
ensure!(!Self::executed_tx_ids_by_space_id(space_id.clone()).iter().any(|&x| x == tx_id), MSG_TX_ALREADY_EXECUTED);
<PendingTxIdsBySpaceId<T>>::mutate(space_id.clone(), |txs| Self::vec_remove_on(txs, tx_id));
<ExecutedTxIdsBySpaceId<T>>::mutate(space_id.clone(), |ids| ids.push(tx_id));
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