Mixing two frameworks will typically require that you are an expert in both to be successful. This is because making them interact will add an additional level of complexity of having to interopate between the two frameworks. That often requires detailed knowledge of the internal workings of the frameworks that you would normally just "take for granted" such as session management and caching.
The point of using a framework is that it provides out-of-the-box "known good practice" in many low-level details so you can focus on your "business logic" not the "basic plumbing". The moment you "go against the framework" and try to do complex things like "make two frameworks coexist" you are basically throwing away the main benefit of using any framework. In short, using two is likely not better than using one. It is like to be more of a case that using two will be "three times the work".
While the actual result will depend on lots of factors I would expect that you would be better off if you picked the worst fra