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Last active June 25, 2019 06:32
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Save simeonwillbanks/5708448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#AngularJS templates and #rails with eager loading -- prefill the AngularJS $templateCache. Inspired by @minhajuddin --
# /code/railsapp/app/assets/javascripts/thing/
#= require angular/templates
angular.module("thing", ["app.templates"]).value("appName", "thing")

AngularJS app JavaScript keyed by app name thing


AngularJS app templates keyed by app name thing


Shared AngularJS modules


# /code/railsapp/lib/assets/javascripts/angular/
template_cache = []
# Prefill templateCache with latest templates
if Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging?
Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates", "**", "*.haml")).each do |f|
pathname = Pathname(f)
template = {}
# /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing -> assets/thing
template[:dirname] = pathname.dirname.sub(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates").to_s, "assets")
# /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing/page.html.haml -> page.html
template[:basename] = pathname.basename(".haml")
# ["/", "assets/thing", "page.html"] -> /assets/thing/page.html
template[:path] = File.join("", template[:dirname], template[:basename])
# Render HAML to HTML
template[:markup] =
template_cache << template
angular.module("app.templates", []).run(["$templateCache", "appName", ($templateCache, appName) ->
templates = [
<% template_cache.each do |template| %>
path: "<%= template[:path] %>"
markup: """
<%= template[:markup] %>
<% end %>
appPath = "<%= File.join("", "assets", "") %>" + appName
# Only prefill the cache for the current app
$templateCache.put(template.path, template.markup) for template in templates when template.path.indexOf(appPath) == 0
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MrOrz commented Nov 7, 2013

I changed the HAML rendering part with ERB renderer.

# Render ERB to HTML
template[:markup] =, nil, nil, 'tmpl').result(binding)

And it worked for my ERB templates :)

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Our app is just a single app, so the appName references were not needed.

Additionally, as credited elsewhere, you need depend_on(f) to keep the cache changing when your templates change:

template_cache = []
# Pre-fill templateCache with latest templates for all environments
if Rails.env.production? || Rails.env.staging? || Rails.env.development?
  Dir.glob(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates", "**", "*.haml")).each do |f|
    pathname = Pathname(f)
    template = {}
    # /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing -> assets/thing
    template[:dirname] = pathname.dirname.sub(Rails.root.join("app", "assets", "templates").to_s, "assets")
    # /code/railsapp/app/assets/templates/thing/page.html.haml -> page.html
    template[:basename] = pathname.basename(".haml")
    # ["/", "assets/thing", "page.html"] -> /assets/thing/page.html
    template[:path] = File.join("", template[:dirname], template[:basename])
    # Render HAML to HTML
    template[:markup] =
    template_cache << template
angular.module('spokenvote.templates', []).run(['$templateCache', ($templateCache) ->
    templates = [
        <% template_cache.each do |template| %>
        path: "<%= template[:path] %>"
        markup: """
                <%= template[:markup] %>
        <% end %>

    # Pre-fill the Angular cache
    $templateCache.put(template.path, template.markup) for template in templates

Finally, I'd love to see an example of this logic moved into a helper method :-)

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