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Created November 22, 2016 16:32
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; multi-segment executable file template.
data segment
a DB 1
b DB 1
c DW 1
x DW 1, 2, 3
count = ($-x)/2
y DW count dup(0AAh)
err_msg DB 'Err', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
data ends
stack segment
DB 128 dup(0)
stack ends
code segment
; set segment registers:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
XOR si, si ; clear stuff
XOR di, di ; clear stuff
c_pr: ; if start is not called run this
MOV cx, count
JCXZ pab
MOV al, b
CMP x[si], ax
;JE f2
;JL f3
MOV y[di], al
INC si
INC si
INC di
LOOP cikl
mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
int 21h
LEA dx, err_msg
MOV ah, 9
INT 21h
XOR al, al
JMP ger
end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.
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