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Last active May 7, 2024 09:16
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Save simonbroggi/5539328f0d14a427646b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Input Module to use the new unity ui with multitouch from
* Input Module to use the new unity ui with multitouch from
* Install TouchScript in your unity project, then add an EventSystem and replace the InputModules by this one.
* Basically modified TouchInputModule from
* and changing ProcessTouchEvent to take events from TouchScript
* Got the TouchScript stuff from
using System.Text;
using TouchScript;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class TouchScriptInputModule : PointerInputModule
protected TouchScriptInputModule()
{ }
//adding TouchManager handlers here (hope this works...)
protected override void OnEnable()
if (TouchManager.Instance != null)
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesBegan += touchesBeganHandler;
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesEnded += touchesEndedHandler;
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesMoved += touchesMovedHandler;
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesCancelled += touchesCancelledHandler;
protected override void OnDisable()
if (TouchManager.Instance != null)
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesBegan -= touchesBeganHandler;
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesEnded -= touchesEndedHandler;
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesMoved -= touchesMovedHandler;
TouchManager.Instance.TouchesCancelled -= touchesCancelledHandler;
private bool UseFakeInput()
//TouchScript will probably fake input already...
return false;
//return !Input.touchSupported;
/// <summary>
/// Process all touch events. Changing this to process the dummies dictionary containing pairs of int and ITouch
/// </summary>
public override void Process()
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, ITouch> dummy in dummies)
bool released;
bool pressed;
//need to create a PointerEventData
var pointer = GetTouchScriptPointerEventData(dummy.Value, out pressed, out released);
ProcessTouchPress(pointer, pressed, released);
if (!released)
//cleanup: remove ended dummies and clear the list of ended dummie ids and began dummie ids
foreach(int id in endedDummieIDs){
private PointerEventData GetTouchScriptPointerEventData(ITouch input, out bool pressed, out bool released)
PointerEventData pointerData;
bool created = GetPointerData(input.Id, out pointerData, true);
// are tags the way to go here?
pressed = created || beganDummieIDs.Contains(input.Id);
released = endedDummieIDs.Contains(input.Id);
if (created)
pointerData.position = input.Position;
if (pressed) =;
else = input.Position - pointerData.position; //use input.PreviousPosition instead of pointerData.position?
pointerData.position = input.Position;
pointerData.button = PointerEventData.InputButton.Left;
eventSystem.RaycastAll(pointerData, m_RaycastResultCache);
var raycast = FindFirstRaycast(m_RaycastResultCache);
pointerData.pointerCurrentRaycast = raycast;
return pointerData;
private void ProcessTouchPress(PointerEventData pointerEvent, bool pressed, bool released)
var currentOverGo = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast.gameObject;
// PointerDown notification
if (pressed)
pointerEvent.eligibleForClick = true; =;
pointerEvent.dragging = false;
pointerEvent.useDragThreshold = true;
pointerEvent.pressPosition = pointerEvent.position;
pointerEvent.pointerPressRaycast = pointerEvent.pointerCurrentRaycast;
DeselectIfSelectionChanged(currentOverGo, pointerEvent);
if (pointerEvent.pointerEnter != currentOverGo)
// send a pointer enter to the touched element if it isn't the one to select...
HandlePointerExitAndEnter(pointerEvent, currentOverGo);
pointerEvent.pointerEnter = currentOverGo;
// search for the control that will receive the press
// if we can't find a press handler set the press
// handler to be what would receive a click.
var newPressed = ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(currentOverGo, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerDownHandler);
// didnt find a press handler... search for a click handler
if (newPressed == null)
newPressed = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IPointerClickHandler>(currentOverGo);
// Debug.Log("Pressed: " + newPressed);
float time = Time.unscaledTime;
if (newPressed == pointerEvent.lastPress)
var diffTime = time - pointerEvent.clickTime;
if (diffTime < 0.3f)
pointerEvent.clickCount = 1;
pointerEvent.clickTime = time;
pointerEvent.clickCount = 1;
pointerEvent.pointerPress = newPressed;
pointerEvent.rawPointerPress = currentOverGo;
pointerEvent.clickTime = time;
// Save the drag handler as well
pointerEvent.pointerDrag = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IDragHandler>(currentOverGo);
if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.initializePotentialDrag);
// PointerUp notification
if (released)
// Debug.Log("Executing pressup on: " + pointer.pointerPress);
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerUpHandler);
// Debug.Log("KeyCode: " + pointer.eventData.keyCode);
// see if we mouse up on the same element that we clicked on...
var pointerUpHandler = ExecuteEvents.GetEventHandler<IPointerClickHandler>(currentOverGo);
// PointerClick and Drop events
if (pointerEvent.pointerPress == pointerUpHandler && pointerEvent.eligibleForClick)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerPress, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerClickHandler);
else if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null)
ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(currentOverGo, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.dropHandler);
pointerEvent.eligibleForClick = false;
pointerEvent.pointerPress = null;
pointerEvent.rawPointerPress = null;
if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null && pointerEvent.dragging)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.endDragHandler);
pointerEvent.dragging = false;
pointerEvent.pointerDrag = null;
if (pointerEvent.pointerDrag != null)
ExecuteEvents.Execute(pointerEvent.pointerDrag, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.endDragHandler);
pointerEvent.pointerDrag = null;
// send exit events as we need to simulate this on touch up on touch device
ExecuteEvents.ExecuteHierarchy(pointerEvent.pointerEnter, pointerEvent, ExecuteEvents.pointerExitHandler);
pointerEvent.pointerEnter = null;
public override void DeactivateModule()
public override string ToString()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine(UseFakeInput() ? "Input: Faked" : "Input: Touch");
if (UseFakeInput())
var pointerData = GetLastPointerEventData(kMouseLeftId);
if (pointerData != null)
foreach (var pointerEventData in m_PointerData)
return sb.ToString();
#region TouchScript stuff
private Dictionary<int, ITouch> dummies = new Dictionary<int, ITouch>(10);
private List<int> beganDummieIDs = new List<int>(10);
private List<int> endedDummieIDs = new List<int>(10);
private void updateDummy(ITouch dummy)
dummies[dummy.Id] = dummy;
private void touchesBeganHandler(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
foreach (var touch in e.Touches)
dummies.Add(touch.Id, touch);
private void touchesMovedHandler(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
foreach (var touch in e.Touches)
ITouch dummy;
if (!dummies.TryGetValue(touch.Id, out dummy)) return;
private void touchesEndedHandler(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
foreach (var touch in e.Touches)
ITouch dummy;
if (!dummies.TryGetValue(touch.Id, out dummy)) return;
//dummies.Remove(touch.Id); //remove after process handles the touch.
private void touchesCancelledHandler(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
touchesEndedHandler(sender, e);
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