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Created August 25, 2014 04:30
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linere = /(\S+):(\d+):\s*(.*)(Setting\.get(_or_set)?\(.*(\))?)(.*)/
settingre = /['"](\S+)['"], (.*)\)/
File.readlines('settings.txt').each do |line|
if linematch = line.match(linere)
all, filename, linenumber, before, setting, or_set, after = linematch.to_a
if settingmatch = setting.match(settingre)
all, name, default = settingmatch.to_a
puts "#### #{name}\n* default: `#{default}`\n* usage: `#{before}#{setting}#{after}`\n* location: `#{filename}:#{linenumber}`\n\n"
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Calvinearl commented Jan 29, 2023

having to go to my help resources for some help and my instructor Mrs. Dickens . I having a hard time with the introduction to computers. And login in to my canvas.

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