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Created April 25, 2016 16:41
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Greetings Industry Colleagues,
The School of Computing at the University of Utah will be holding our annual Senior Capstone Demonstration Wednesday, April 27th from 1:30-4:30 in Warnock Engineering Building L130 (with pizza and awards following). On this day, our seniors will show off the software projects they and their teams have completed over the past 6 months.
The demonstration is open to all, but we ask any of you who are willing to come (or send another representative) as a judge. The judges walk around and talk to the students, and then score them on a 1-10 scale. At the end of the day, these scores are used to name the top teams for the day. Judging is a great time to really get to interact with our students and see what they are capable of.
We are also asking for "prize" donations from any of your companies that are able to so. We award these prizes to our students in recognition of their hard work. Prizes in the past have ranged from graphics cards to company pens. Any type of hardware or software, hats or shirts, games, or gift certificates would be welcome. Of course, your company need not provide anything and you are still encouraged to come and judge (or even just spectate).
Attached you will find a pdf with more details on opportunities for collaboration with the School of Computing. Please see section VII for some more details. I hope to see many of you in some capacity over the coming year, and many of you or your co-workers at the Demonstration Day.
Date: Wednesday April 27th
Location: WEB (Warnock Engineering Building) Catmull Lobby
Time: 1:30 - 4:30 pm (followed by pizza and awards)
Parking available with advanced notice
Campus Map:
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