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Last active July 21, 2024 05:32
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Create custom windows with VBScript by running HTML code through MSHTA.
'Create a basic continue/cancel message.
Set win = New Window
win.SetTitle = "Move:"
win.Icon = "%WINDIR%\System32\OpenWith.exe"
win.ContextMenu = "no"
win.Scroll = "no"
win.SetHeight = 140
'Add CSS styling
win.AddStyles = "body{text-align:center;margin-top:5px;}div{padding:15px;font-size:11pt;}"
win.AddStyles = "input{border:0;border-radius:2px;padding:5px 10px;margin:5px;background-color:#e2e2e2;}"
'Add HTML content to the body tag
win.AddContent = "<div>Move all files to the D:\ drive?.</div>"
'The send() method will return something back to the Create() method
win.AddContent = "<input type='button' value='Continue' onclick='send(true)'>"
win.AddContent = "<input type='button' value='Cancel' onclick='send(false)'>"
'We made it so that true or false will be returned
answer = win.Create()
If answer Then MsgBox "Continuing..." Else MsgBox "Quitting."
Class Window
'@description: Create a custom window with MSHTA.
'@author: Jeremy England (SimplyCoded).
Private title, style, body, options, width, height, xpos, ypos
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
title = "&nbsp;" : width = 350 : height = 250
xpos = "(screen.width - " & width & ")/2"
ypos = "(screen.height -" & height & ")/2"
style = "html{display:table;}body{display:table-cell;font-family:Arial;background-color:#f6f6f6;}html,body{width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;}"
End Sub
Public Property Let SetTitle(str) : title = str : End Property
Public Property Let SetWidth(num) : width = num : End Property
Public Property Let SetHeight(num) : height = num : End Property
Public Property Let SetXPosition(num) : xpos = num : End Property
Public Property Let SetYPosition(num) : ypos = num : End Property
Public Property Let AddStyles(css) : style = style & css : End Property
Public Property Let AddContent(html) : body = body & html : End Property
Public Property Let ApplicationName(str) : options = options & "applicationName='" & str & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Border(thick_thin_none) : options = options & "border='" & thick_thin_none & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Caption(yes_no) : options = options & "caption='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let ContextMenu(yes_no) : options = options & "contextMenu='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Icon(path) : options = options & "icon='" & path & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let MaximizeButton(yes_no) : options = options & "maximizeButton='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let MinimizeButton(yes_no) : options = options & "minimizeButton='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Scroll(yes_no) : options = options & "scroll='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Selection(yes_no) : options = options & "selection='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let ShowInTaskBar(yes_no) : options = options & "showInTaskBar='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let SingleInstance(yes_no) : options = options & "singleInstance='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let SysMenu(yes_no) : options = options & "sysMenu='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let WindowState(normal_minimize_maximize) : options = options & "windowState='" & normal_minimize_maximize & "' " : End Property
Public Function Create()
Create = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec( _
"mshta ""about:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=9'><title>" & title & _
"</title><hta:application " & options & "/><style>" & style & "</style>" & _
"<script>var c=true;function send(s){c=false;new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).WriteLine(s);close();}" & _
"window.onbeforeunload=function(){if(c)send(0);};resizeTo(" & width & "," & height & ");moveTo(" & xpos & "," & ypos & ");</script>" & _
"</head><body>" & body & "</body></html>""" _
End Function
End Class
Class Window
'@description: Create a custom window with MSHTA.
'@author: Jeremy England (SimplyCoded).
Private title, style, body, options, width, height, xpos, ypos
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
title = "&nbsp;" : width = 350 : height = 250
xpos = "(screen.width - " & width & ")/2"
ypos = "(screen.height -" & height & ")/2"
style = "html{display:table;}body{display:table-cell;font-family:Arial;background-color:#f6f6f6;}html,body{width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;}"
End Sub
Public Property Let SetTitle(str) : title = str : End Property
Public Property Let SetWidth(num) : width = num : End Property
Public Property Let SetHeight(num) : height = num : End Property
Public Property Let SetXPosition(num) : xpos = num : End Property
Public Property Let SetYPosition(num) : ypos = num : End Property
Public Property Let AddStyles(css) : style = style & css : End Property
Public Property Let AddContent(html) : body = body & html : End Property
Public Property Let ApplicationName(str) : options = options & "applicationName='" & str & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Border(thick_thin_none) : options = options & "border='" & thick_thin_none & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Caption(yes_no) : options = options & "caption='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let ContextMenu(yes_no) : options = options & "contextMenu='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Icon(path) : options = options & "icon='" & path & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let MaximizeButton(yes_no) : options = options & "maximizeButton='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let MinimizeButton(yes_no) : options = options & "minimizeButton='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Scroll(yes_no) : options = options & "scroll='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let Selection(yes_no) : options = options & "selection='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let ShowInTaskBar(yes_no) : options = options & "showInTaskBar='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let SingleInstance(yes_no) : options = options & "singleInstance='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let SysMenu(yes_no) : options = options & "sysMenu='" & yes_no & "' " : End Property
Public Property Let WindowState(normal_minimize_maximize) : options = options & "windowState='" & normal_minimize_maximize & "' " : End Property
Public Function Create()
Create = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec( _
"mshta ""about:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=9'><title>" & title & _
"</title><hta:application " & options & "/><style>" & style & "</style>" & _
"<script>var c=true;function send(s){c=false;new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).WriteLine(s);close();}" & _
"window.onbeforeunload=function(){if(c)send(0);};resizeTo(" & width & "," & height & ");moveTo(" & xpos & "," & ypos & ");</script>" & _
"</head><body>" & body & "</body></html>""" _
End Function
End Class
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