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Created May 12, 2015 06:37
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Save simplyadrian/a5217f4e3965ab9d62ec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a bash script to configure PHP's ini file
#!/bin/bash -e
# Test for a reboot, if this is a reboot just skip this script.
if test "$RS_REBOOT" = "true"; then
logger -t RightScale "SYS Enable short_tags php.ini, skipped on a reboot."
exit 0
#Test for php.ini
php_ini=`ls /etc/ -1 2>/dev/null | grep php.ini$ | head -1`
#test for file existance
if test "$php_ini" = "" ; then
echo "No php.ini file in the configuration directory. Aborting installation!"
logger -t RightScale "No php.ini file in the configuration directory. Aborting installation!"
exit 1
echo "Processing wrapper file: ${php_ini}"
cp /etc/php.ini /etc/php.ini.orig
echo 'modifying php.ini...'
sed -i 's/short_open_tag = Off/short_open_tag = On/' /etc/$php_ini
echo 'enabled short tags'
cat<<EOF > /etc/php.ini
include_path = ".:/mnt/ephemeral/campaign_store/current/lib"
echo 'added include path to php.ini'
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Modified php.ini..."
echo "Modifing php.ini failed. Aborting installation!"
logger -t RightScale 'Modifing php.ini failed. Aborting installation!'
exit 1
echo 'Done.'
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