[CLRS Book Solutions] (https://github.com/gzc/CLRS)
[William Fiset] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBSGKlAvoiM&ab_channel=freeCodeCamp.org)
[Interview Camp] (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1dIeMx4tAnmTogCl5ltugfITBzJ15mVXP)
[Awesome-Algorithms] (https://github.com/tayllan/awesome-algorithms#readme)
[Interview Centered] (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1dIeMx4tAnmTogCl5ltugfITBzJ15mVXP)
Meta + T - Terminal Emulator | |
Meta + F - File Manager | |
Meta + W - Web browser | |
Meta + Up - Maximize | |
Meta + Down - Unmaximize | |
Meta + Left - Maximize left | |
Move + right - Maximize right | |
Alt + F6 - Toggle maximize |
Hello, In this short guide, I will try to jot down everything that you need to know to start contributing to open source projects.
If you are looking for some other write-ups, click here and choose any.
Open source projects are those projects which are not only free to use, but are also free to read, edit or distribute (the code). To know if any project is open sourced or not, you need to go through the license the project has. You can know more about some standard open source licenses from here. In general, projects with the MIT license or the Unlicense have the least restrictions for you to edit, use or modify the project code.
//This is a simple command line todo list app | |
//Features | |
//-create todo item | |
//-list todo item | |
//-check todo item off list | |
//-delete todo item | |
var fs = require('fs'); | |
Here's how to create a free cluster and connect it to your project using the connection string
- Create an account on MongoDB Cloud Atlas
- You will be prompted right away to create a new project and org. You may leave all values as default and click
. - Three cards will show up next asking you to choose a cluster. Select the
Shared Cluster
- that's the one which is free. - The next screen is about details of the cluster. Make sure M0 Cluster Tier is selected. You may leave all values as default and click on
Create Cluster
- Wait for some time for the cluster to get ready and then click on
. - First thing you need to add it IP Address. Select
Add your current IP Address
if you are working on the project yourself only orAllow Access from Anywhere
. You may even manually add IP Addresses by clicking onAdd a different IP...
- Next up is Database user creation. You need to enter a username and password. For explanatory purposes, say I ad
- 200 - denotes Successful Operation, used mainly in response of a get request.
- 201 - denotes Seccessful Creation, mostly used in response of a post request for creation of some resource on the server.
- 206 - denotes Partial Content, mostly used when partial chunk of data is requested through the server.
- 400 - Bad Request, occurs when the server cannot understand the request sent.
- 401 - Unauthorized, occurs when the authorization for accessing some content is incorrect
- 403 - Forbidden, occurs when inaccessible resource is tried to be accessed in the request.
- 404 - Not Found, occurs when the request tries to access some non existent resource.
Some of the terminlogies from eastern martial arts:
Uchikiru is to complete your strike without regret
Zanshin is choosing to live your life intentionally and acting with purpose rather than mindlessly falling victim to whatever comes your way.
Ki ken tai ichi is the unity of the mind, sword and the body
Katas is the exercise where the novice repeatedly tries to emulate a master.
Kumite is a supervised exercise between two students, or between a student and a master
Koans are questions without absolute answers which are used to break down assumptions and reveal underlying truths.