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Last active September 21, 2024 23:28
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Save singingwolfboy/2fca1de64950d5dfed72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Want to run your Flask tests with CSRF protections turned on, to make sure that CSRF works properly in production as well? Here's an excellent way to do it!
# Want to run your Flask tests with CSRF protections turned on, to make sure
# that CSRF works properly in production as well? Here's an excellent way
# to do it!
# First some imports. I'm assuming you're using Flask-WTF for CSRF protection.
import flask
from flask.testing import FlaskClient as BaseFlaskClient
from flask_wtf.csrf import generate_csrf
# Flask's assumptions about an incoming request don't quite match up with
# what the test client provides in terms of manipulating cookies, and the
# CSRF system depends on cookies working correctly. This little class is a
# fake request that forwards along requests to the test client for setting
# cookies.
class RequestShim(object):
A fake request that proxies cookie-related methods to a Flask test client.
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
def set_cookie(self, key, value='', *args, **kwargs):
"Set the cookie on the Flask test client."
server_name = flask.current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"] or "localhost"
return self.client.set_cookie(
server_name, key=key, value=value, *args, **kwargs
def delete_cookie(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
"Delete the cookie on the Flask test client."
server_name = flask.current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"] or "localhost"
return self.client.delete_cookie(
server_name, key=key, *args, **kwargs
# We're going to extend Flask's built-in test client class, so that it knows
# how to look up CSRF tokens for you!
class FlaskClient(BaseFlaskClient):
def csrf_token(self):
# First, we'll wrap our request shim around the test client, so that
# it will work correctly when Flask asks it to set a cookie.
request = RequestShim(self)
# Next, we need to look up any cookies that might already exist on
# this test client, such as the secure cookie that powers `flask.session`,
# and make a test request context that has those cookies in it.
environ_overrides = {}
with flask.current_app.test_request_context(
"/login", environ_overrides=environ_overrides,
# Now, we call Flask-WTF's method of generating a CSRF token...
csrf_token = generate_csrf()
# ...which also sets a value in `flask.session`, so we need to
# ask Flask to save that value to the cookie jar in the test
# client. This is where we actually use that request shim we made!
flask.current_app.save_session(flask.session, request)
# And finally, return that CSRF token we got from Flask-WTF.
return csrf_token
# Feel free to define other methods on this test client. You can even
# use the `csrf_token` property we just defined, like we're doing here!
def login(self, email, password):
return"/login", data={
"email": email,
"password": password,
"csrf_token": self.csrf_token,
}, follow_redirects=True)
def logout(self):
return self.get("/logout", follow_redirects=True)
# To hook up this extended test client class to your Flask application,
# assign it to the `test_client_class` property, like this:
app = Flask(__name__)
app.test_client_class = FlaskClient
# Now in your tests, you can request a test client the same way
# that you normally do:
client = app.test_client()
# But now, `client` is an instance of the class we defined!
# In your tests, you can call the methods you defined, like this:
client.login('[email protected]', 'passw0rd')
# And any time you need to pass a CSRF token, just use the `csrf_token`
# property, like this:"/user/1", data={
"favorite_color": "blue",
"csrf_token": client.csrf_token,
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Thank you very much for sharing your Gist.

My Setup:

Flask 1.0.2
pytest 3.6.0

Just an FYI - when I tried to use this in my test I received the following error message:
" # Add a "Vary: Cookie" header if the session was accessed at all.
if session.accessed:


E AttributeError: 'RequestShim' object has no attribute 'vary'

I added the following to the init method of RequestShim:
self.vary = set({})

And this seemed to address my issue and allowed me to post form data in my test cases.
There may very well be a better solution, but this got me going.

Again - thank you for sharing the gist.

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dbyr commented Jan 30, 2020

Another issue I had after amending for @youngsoul's addition was TypeError: set_cookie() got an unexpected keyword argument 'samesite'. I fixed this simply by adding kwargs.pop('samesite') before returning in the set_cookie method.
Thanks for the gist!

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Thanks for this, it's a big help.

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QQmberling commented Nov 5, 2021

Thank you for that solution!

My experience with it:

In new versions of flask i guess method save_session was moved to another classes so i got an error::
E AttributeError: 'Flask' object has no attribute 'save_session'
Solved by replacing line
flask.current_app.save_session(flask.session, request)
flask.current_app.session_interface.save_session(flask.current_app, flask.session, request)
Also i got an error
E AttributeError: 'RequestShim' object has no attribute 'vary'
and @youngsoul's comment helped me

Just an FYI - when I tried to use this in my test I received the following error message:

" # Add a "Vary: Cookie" header if the session was accessed at all.

if session.accessed:


E AttributeError: 'RequestShim' object has no attribute 'vary'

I added the following to the init method of RequestShim:
self.vary = set({})

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I applied the fixes in and still got an error where property csrf_token calls flask.current_app was called (lib/python3.7/site-packages/flask/ RuntimeError: Working outside of application context). I fixed this by replacing flask.current_app with self.application. I don't know why the calls in RequestShim work as flask.current_app.

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Fixing this after upgrading from werkzeug from 2.1 to 2.3, which removes the undocumented cookie_jar seemed too hard so I dug around and found flask.g.csrf_token which I access with:

    with test_app.app_context(), test_app.test_client(user=user) as c:
        c.get('/tourist/delete/place/3')  # GET to create the CSRF token
        response ='/tourist/delete/place/3', data=dict(confirm=True,

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Fixing this after upgrading from werkzeug from 2.1 to 2.3, which removes the undocumented cookie_jar seemed too hard so I dug around and found flask.g.csrf_token which I access with:

    with test_app.app_context(), test_app.test_client(user=user) as c:
        c.get('/tourist/delete/place/3')  # GET to create the CSRF token
        response ='/tourist/delete/place/3', data=dict(confirm=True,

Thank you @TomGoBravo!

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jkittner commented Mar 5, 2024

I am still getting: The CSRF session token is missing....

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The csrf token is still missing.

@jkittner , were you able to figure it out?

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@karabomaila, I think I ended up only testing the case where the token is missing.

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brihall commented Aug 6, 2024

Flask 3.0.3
Werkzeug 3.0.3
pytest 8.3.2

After applying all the changes from here
and here

I was getting TypeError: Client.set_cookie got multiple values for argument 'key'

These are the changes I made to RequestShim.set_cookie and RequestShim.delete_cookie

def set_cookie(self, key, value="", *args, **kwargs):
      "Set the cookie on the Flask test client."
      kwargs["domain"] = self.client.application.config["SERVER_NAME"] or "localhost"
      return self.client.set_cookie(
          key=key, value=value, *args, **kwargs

def delete_cookie(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
        "Delete the cookie on the Flask test client."
        kwargs["domain"] = self.client.application.config["SERVER_NAME"] or "localhost"
        return self.client.delete_cookie(key=key, *args, **kwargs)

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mconigliaro commented Sep 6, 2024

I'm sorry everyone thinks this is so complicated. This is all you have to do (in 2024):

url = url_for(".whatever")
client.get(url) # set g.csrf_token
response =
        "foo": "bar"    
        "csrf_token": g.csrf_token

Extend FlaskLoginClient:

class BetterFlaskLoginClient(FlaskLoginClient):
    def post(self, *args: Any, **kw: Any):
        kw["data"] = {**{"csrf_token": g.csrf_token}, **kw.get("data", {})}
        return super().post(*args, **kw)
app.test_client_class = BetterFlaskLoginClient

Then you can just:

response =".whatever"), data={"foo":"bar"})

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