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Created October 1, 2009 11:20
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#!perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Template;
use Chart::Clicker;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::Series;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet;
use Getopt::Long;
use DateTime;
use File::Path;
use Data::Dumper;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
my @tests = (
name => "objects",
description => "Fetch all objects",
url => "/objects/",
method => "GET",
data => "",
rate => "200",
name => "object_probes",
description => "Fetch all object probes",
url => "/object/1/probes",
method => "GET",
data => "",
rate => "2000",
my $testname;
my $probix_host = "localhost";
my $probix_port = "8000";
my $reports_dir = $Bin."/../load_test/reports";
my $help = 0;
my $list = 0;
my $debug = 0;
GetOptions("run=s" => \$testname,
"server=s" => \$probix_host,
"port=i" => \$probix_port,
"d|reports_dir=s" => \$reports_dir,
"help" => \$help,
"list" => \$list,
"debug" => \$debug,
) or usage();
my $output_path = join "/", ($reports_dir, DateTime->now());
usage() if ($help);
list_tests() if ($list);
unless ($testname) {
print "\n No test specified. Use --list to see available tests\n\n";
sub list_tests {
print "\nList of all available load tests. Use test name in --run argument\n";
for my $test ( @tests ) {
print <<EOF;
$test->{name} $test->{description}
URL: $test->{url}
method: $test->{method}
data: $test->{data}
sub run_test {
my ($testname) = @_;
my ($test) = grep { $_->{name} eq $testname} @tests;
unless ($test) {
print "No test with name $testname found. Use --list to see complete list\n";
my $max_rate = $test->{rate};
my $min_rate = $test->{rate} / 20;
my $rate_step = $test->{rate} / 20;
my @results;
for ( my $rate = $min_rate; $rate <= $max_rate; $rate += $rate_step ) {
$test->{rate} = $rate;
print "Running test with rate: $rate\n";
my $result = run_httperf($test);
$result->{rate} = $rate;
push @results, $result;
sub output_charts {
my ($name, $results) = @_;
my @keys = map { $_->{rate} } @$results;
## reply time chart
my @reply_time_values = map { $_->{reply_time} } @$results;
my $reply_time_series = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
name => "Reply time, ms",
keys => [ @keys ],
values => [ @reply_time_values ],
my $reply_time_dataset = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(
series => [ $reply_time_series ],
my $reply_time_chart = Chart::Clicker->new;
## building reply rate chart
my @reply_rate_values = map { $_->{reply_rate}->{avg} } @$results;
my $reply_rate_series = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
name => "Reply rate, req/s",
keys => [ @keys ],
values => [ @reply_rate_values ],
my $reply_rate_dataset = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(
series => [ $reply_rate_series ],
my $reply_rate_chart = Chart::Clicker->new;
my @error_timeout_values = map { $_->{error_timeout} } @$results;
my $error_timeout_series = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
name => "Timeout errors",
keys => [ @keys ],
values => [ @error_timeout_values ],
my @error_total_values = map { $_->{error_total} } @$results;
my $error_total_series = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
name => "Total errors",
keys => [ @keys ],
values => [ @error_total_values ],
my $error_dataset = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(
series => [ $error_timeout_series, $error_total_series ],
my $error_chart = Chart::Clicker->new;
sub output_report {
my ( $test, $results ) = @_;
my $vars = {
host => "$probix_host:$probix_port",
url => $test->{url},
name => $test->{name},
rate => $test->{rate},
description => $test->{description},
cmd => $results->[$#{$results}]->{cmd},
results => $results
my $tt = Template->new({RELATIVE => 1, ABSOLUTE => 1}) || die $Template::ERROR, "\n";
$tt->process("$Bin/../load_test/report.tmpl", $vars, "$output_path/report.html")
|| die $tt->error(), "\n";
print "Saved report to $output_path\n";
sub run_httperf {
my ($params) = @_;
my $conns = $params->{rate}*10;
my $cmd = "httperf --hog --server=$probix_host --port=$probix_port --uri=$params->{url} --rate=$params->{rate} --method=$params->{method} --num-conns=$conns --num-calls=1 --timeout 5";
my $output = `$cmd`;
my $result = {
cmd => $cmd,
rate => $params->{rate}
print $output if $debug;
$result->{replies}) =
$output =~ /Total: connections (\d+) requests (\d+) replies (\d+)/;
($result->{req_rate}) =
$output =~ /Request rate: ([\d.]+)/;
$result->{reply_rate}->{max}) =
$output =~ /Reply rate.+?min ([\d.]+) avg ([\d.]+) max ([\d.]+)/;
($result->{reply_time}) =
$output =~ /Reply time.+response ([\d.]+)/;
($result->{error_timeout}) =
$output =~ /client-timo ([\d.]+)/;
($result->{error_total}) =
$output =~ /Errors: total ([\d.]+)/;
print Dumper($result) if $debug;
return $result;
sub usage {
print <<EOF;
Usage: $FindBin::Script <options>
This program creates load on server and creates report.
--help print this help
--list lists load tests and exist
--run testname runs test with name 'testname'
--server host to run test against. Default: localhost
--port port of server. Defalut: 8000
-d|--reports_dir specifies which directory should be used for reports. Default: ../load_test/reports/
--debug show debug output
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