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Created September 16, 2017 22:26
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package at.gadermaier.argon2;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.algorithm.FillSegment;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.algorithm.Functions;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.exception.Argon2InvalidParameterException;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.model.Argon2Type;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.model.Block;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.model.Instance;
import at.gadermaier.argon2.model.Position;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import static at.gadermaier.argon2.Constants.*;
import static at.gadermaier.argon2.Constants.Constraints.*;
import static at.gadermaier.argon2.Constants.Defaults.*;
import static at.gadermaier.argon2.Constants.Messages.*;
public class Argon2 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
char[] pass = "Test".toCharArray();
String salt = "TestTestTest";
String hash = Argon2Factory.create()
.hash(pass, salt);
private byte[] output;
private int outputLength; // -l N
private double duration;
private byte[] password;
private byte[] salt;
private byte[] secret;
private byte[] additional;
private int iterations; // -t N
private int memory; // -m N
private int lanes; // -p N
private int version; // -v (10/13)
private Argon2Type type;
private boolean clearMemory = true;
private Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
private boolean encodedOnly = false;
private boolean rawOnly = false;
Argon2() {
this.lanes = LANES_DEF;
this.outputLength = OUTLEN_DEF;
this.memory = 1 << LOG_M_COST_DEF;
this.iterations = T_COST_DEF;
this.version = VERSION_DEF;
this.type = TYPE_DEF;
private static byte[] toByteArray(char[] chars, Charset charset) {
assert chars != null;
CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(chars);
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = charset.encode(charBuffer);
byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(byteBuffer.array(),
byteBuffer.position(), byteBuffer.limit());
Arrays.fill(byteBuffer.array(), (byte) 0);
return bytes;
public String hash(byte[] password, byte[] salt){
return hash();
public String hash(char[] password, String salt){
return hash();
public String hash() {
try {
return getOutputString();
}finally {
private void argon2_hash() {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Instance instance = new Instance(this);
final byte[] initialHash = Functions.initialHash(
fillFirstBlocks(instance, initialHash);
finalize(instance, this);
duration = (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000000.0;
public static byte[] intToLittleEndianBytes(int a) {
byte[] result = new byte[4];
result[0] = (byte) (a & 0xFF);
result[1] = (byte) ((a >> 8) & 0xFF);
result[2] = (byte) ((a >> 16) & 0xFF);
result[3] = (byte) ((a >> 24) & 0xFF);
return result;
public static void finalize(Instance instance, Argon2 argon2) {
Block finalBlock = instance.memory[instance.getLaneLength() - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < instance.getLanes(); i++) {
int lastBlockInLane = i * instance.getLaneLength() + (instance.getLaneLength() - 1);
byte[] finalBlockBytes = finalBlock.toBytes();
byte[] finalResult = Functions.blake2bLong(finalBlockBytes, argon2.getOutputLength());
if (argon2.isClearMemory()) {
public static void fillMemoryBlocks(Instance instance) {
if (instance.getLanes() == 1) {
} else {
private static void fillMemoryBlockSingleThreaded(Instance instance) {
for (int i = 0; i < instance.getIterations(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ARGON2_SYNC_POINTS; j++) {
Position position = new Position(i, 0, j, 0);
FillSegment.fillSegment(instance, position);
private static void fillMemoryBlockMultiThreaded(final Instance instance) {
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(instance.getLanes());
List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<?>>();
for (int i = 0; i < instance.getIterations(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ARGON2_SYNC_POINTS; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < instance.getLanes(); k++) {
final Position position = new Position(i, k, j, 0);
Future future = service.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
FillSegment.fillSegment(instance, position);
joinThreads(instance, futures);
private static void joinThreads(Instance instance, List<Future<?>> futures) {
try {
for (Future<?> f : futures) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void validateInput(Argon2 argon2){
String message = null;
if (argon2.getLanes() < MIN_PARALLELISM)
message = P_MIN_MSG;
else if (argon2.getLanes() > MAX_PARALLELISM)
message = P_MAX_MSG;
else if(argon2.getMemory() < 2 * argon2.getLanes())
message = M_MIN_MSG;
else if(argon2.getIterations() < MIN_ITERATIONS)
message = T_MIN_MSG;
else if(argon2.getIterations() > MAX_ITERATIONS)
message = T_MAX_MSG;
else if(argon2.getPasswordLength() < MIN_PWD_LENGTH)
message = PWD_MIN_MSG;
else if(argon2.getPasswordLength() > MAX_PWD_LENGTH)
message = PWD_MAX_MSG;
else if(argon2.getSaltLength() < MIN_SALT_LENGTH)
message = SALT_MIN_MSG;
else if(argon2.getSaltLength() > MAX_SALT_LENGTH)
message = SALT_MAX_MSG;
else if(argon2.getSecretLength() > MAX_SECRET_LENGTH)
message = SECRET_MAX_MSG;
else if(argon2.getAdditionalLength() > MAX_AD_LENGTH)
if(message != null)
throw new Argon2InvalidParameterException(message);
private static void fillFirstBlocks(Instance instance, byte[] initialHash) {
final byte[] zeroBytes = {0, 0, 0, 0};
final byte[] oneBytes = {1, 0, 0, 0};
byte[] initialHashWithZeros = getInitialHashLong(initialHash, zeroBytes);
byte[] initialHashWithOnes = getInitialHashLong(initialHash, oneBytes);
for (int i = 0; i < instance.getLanes(); i++) {
byte[] iBytes = Util.intToLittleEndianBytes(i);
System.arraycopy(iBytes, 0, initialHashWithZeros, ARGON2_PREHASH_DIGEST_LENGTH + 4, 4);
System.arraycopy(iBytes, 0, initialHashWithOnes, ARGON2_PREHASH_DIGEST_LENGTH + 4, 4);
byte[] blockhashBytes = Functions.blake2bLong(initialHashWithZeros, ARGON2_BLOCK_SIZE);
instance.memory[i * instance.getLaneLength() ].fromBytes(blockhashBytes);
blockhashBytes = Functions.blake2bLong(initialHashWithOnes, ARGON2_BLOCK_SIZE);
instance.memory[i * instance.getLaneLength() + 1].fromBytes(blockhashBytes);
private static byte[] getInitialHashLong(byte[] initialHash, byte[] appendix) {
byte[] initialHashLong = new byte[ARGON2_PREHASH_SEED_LENGTH];
System.arraycopy(initialHash, 0, initialHashLong, 0, ARGON2_PREHASH_DIGEST_LENGTH);
System.arraycopy(appendix, 0, initialHashLong, ARGON2_PREHASH_DIGEST_LENGTH, 4);
return initialHashLong;
public void clear() {
if(password != null)
Arrays.fill(password, 0, password.length-1, (byte)0);
if(salt != null)
Arrays.fill(salt, 0, salt.length-1, (byte)0);
if(secret != null)
Arrays.fill(secret, 0, secret.length-1, (byte)0);
if(additional != null)
Arrays.fill(additional, 0, additional.length-1, (byte)0);
void printSummary(){
else if(rawOnly)
else {
System.out.println("Type:\t\t" + type);
System.out.println("Iterations:\t" + iterations);
System.out.println("Memory:\t\t" + memory + " KiB");
System.out.println("Parallelism:\t" + lanes);
System.out.println("Hash:\t\t" + getOutputString());
System.out.println("Encoded:\t " + getEncoded());
System.out.println(duration + " seconds");
public Argon2 setMemoryInKiB(int memory) {
this.memory = memory;
return this;
public Argon2 setParallelism(int parallelism){
this.lanes = parallelism;
return this;
public Argon2 setPassword(char[] password) {
return setPassword(toByteArray(password, charset));
public Argon2 setSalt(String salt) {
return setSalt(salt.getBytes(charset));
public byte[] getOutput() {
return output;
public void setOutput(byte[] finalResult) {
this.output = finalResult;
public String getOutputString() {
return Util.bytesToHexString(output);
public int getOutputLength() {
return outputLength;
public Argon2 setOutputLength(int outputLength) {
this.outputLength = outputLength;
return this;
public byte[] getPassword() {
return password;
public Argon2 setPassword(byte[] password) {
this.password = password;
return this;
public int getPasswordLength() {
return password.length;
public byte[] getSalt() {
return salt;
public Argon2 setSalt(byte[] salt) {
this.salt = salt;
return this;
public int getSaltLength() {
return salt.length;
public byte[] getSecret() {
return secret;
public Argon2 setSecret(byte[] secret) {
this.secret = secret;
return this;
public int getSecretLength() {
return secret != null ? secret.length : 0;
public byte[] getAdditional() {
return additional;
public Argon2 setAdditional(byte[] additional) {
this.additional = additional;
return this;
public int getAdditionalLength() {
return additional != null ? additional.length : 0;
public int getIterations() {
return iterations;
public Argon2 setIterations(int iterations) {
this.iterations = iterations;
return this;
public int getMemory() {
return memory;
public Argon2 setMemory(int memory) {
this.memory = 1 << memory;
return this;
public int getLanes() {
return lanes;
public int getVersion() {
return version;
public Argon2 setVersion(int version) {
this.version = version;
return this;
public Argon2Type getType() {
return type;
public Argon2 setType(Argon2Type type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public boolean isClearMemory() {
return clearMemory;
public void setClearMemory(boolean clearMemory) {
this.clearMemory = clearMemory;
public Charset getCharset() {
return charset;
public void setEncodedOnly(boolean encodedOnly) {
this.encodedOnly = encodedOnly;
public void setRawOnly(boolean rawOnly) {
this.rawOnly = rawOnly;
public String getEncoded() {
return ""; //TODO
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