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Created August 14, 2020 06:56
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sealed trait Free[+F[_], A]
object Free {
def eval[F[_], A](fa: Free[F, A])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[A] = {
type State = (Free[F, Any], List[Any => Free[F, Any]])
def go(s: State): F[Either[State, Any]] = s match {
case (current, stack) =>
current match {
case Done(a) =>
stack match {
case Nil =>
case f :: fs =>
F.pure(Left(f(a) -> fs))
case current: Suspend[F, a] =>
stack match {
case Nil => => Right(a))
case f :: fs => => Left(f(a) -> fs))
case current: FlatMap[F, a, b] =>
F.pure(Left(current.fa.asInstanceOf[Free[F, Any]] -> (current.f.asInstanceOf[Any => Free[F, Any]] :: stack)))
F.tailRecM((fa.asInstanceOf[Free[F, Any]], Nil) : State)(go _).asInstanceOf[F[A]]
final case class Done[A](a: A) extends Free[Nothing, A]
final case class Suspend[F[_], A](fa: F[A]) extends Free[F, A]
final case class FlatMap[F[_], A, B](fa: Free[F, A], f: A => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]
def pure[F[_], A](a: A): Free[F, A] = Done(a)
def roll[F[_], A](fa: F[Free[F, A]]): Free[F, A] =
FlatMap[F, Free[F, A], A](Suspend(fa), x => x)
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